الاستمرار فى الحياة شديد الألم ولكنى لا أعرف ما سيحدث لي إن مت لذلك استمر في الحياه
Going on with life is so painful, but I don't know what will happen to me if I die, so I go on livingHow are you? I hope you are fine. Thank you for reading my thoughts. Sorry if there are mistakes. I am not fluent in English.
How many languages do you speak?
I speak Arabic and a little English and French
we can only continue living /فقط نستطع الاستمرار في العيش
Short Storyهذا مكان مملوء بالكآبة فلا تدخل إذا كنت في حياه سعيده واتركه لمن لا تتركهم الوحدة This is a place full of melancholy, don't enter if you are in a happy life and leave it to those who are not left alone