الهاجس الحادى عشر/Eleventh Obsession

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اليوم قرأت عبارة تقول " أجمل هدية تقدمها لطفلك ألا تجعله يذهب في المستقبل إلى طبيب نفسى بسببك"
أحب أسأل لأهلى لماذا لم تقدموا لى هذه الهدية
Today I read a phrase that says "the most beautiful gift you can give your child is not to make him go to a psychiatrist because of you in the future. "
I would like  to ask my parents why they didn't give me this gift
في الحقيقة العبارة ديه بتمثلنى جدًا وحاسه انها بتمثل ناس كتير اتمنى الأهل يفهموا معناتنا بسببهم وبسبب افعالهم  ويفضل قدام أشخاص ضعيفة زينا ( بس في الواقع احنا الأقوى ) إنهم يا يجلهم الموت ويرحهم يا يتجوزوا ودا مش حل مضمون يا يموتوا نفسهم شغل ودراسه ويمشوا من الخراب إلى اسمه الأهل دا 
In fact, this phrase represents me very much, and I feel that it represents many people. I hope the parents understand our meaning because of them and because of their actions. . And it is preferable in front of weak people, we are decorated (but in reality we are the strongest) that they may die and comfort them, they marry, and this is not a guaranteed solution, they die themselves, work and study, and walk from ruin to the name of this parents

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