what if u got sick

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i was sick for like a week but by now i am ok just coughing a little bit. so........ very late sickness stuff


×he knows a lot so.. that's.... good?
×you won't get any tender care, obviously
×u know, since the only way he's getting anywhere near you is in a hazmat suit
×he doesn't want to get sick
×but he will make soup or get meds for you
×and you will definitely receive detailed instructions on how to get better
×if you leave your designated room he will disinfect every single object and surface as soon as you're back in your room
×he's gone soft enough to not lock you up but he's still kind of bitchy about it


×absolutely the best caretaker out of all of them
×she has both the knowledge of how to take care of you and the courage to still give you the affection you desire
×motherly love + wifely love 
×draws you a bath and sits beside the tub, reading a book of your choosing out loud
×definitely tucks you in whenever it's time for you to sleep
×pets your hair and kisses your forehead all the time
×she's just so good you forget you're even sick


×do NOT let Hedwig know you're sick
×he does not know what to do and will end up making you sicker and/or getting himself sick as well
×all he knows is he needs to take your temperature (orally like in the cartoons) and listen to your heartbeat with his toy stethoscope
×neither of those actually helps
×playing doctor with an actually sick person is one of his worse ideas
×please please please just get an adult to take over while you're sick
×or literally anyone besides baby boy


×fusses over you constantly
×you will not get even a second of peace
×thinking of taking a nap? think again.
×Barry's at your side, shoving the back of his hand against your forehead for the third time in the last 10 minutes
×tries to cook for you but ends up just making canned soup and some toast
×he draws you a bath as well but gets in with you
×washes your hair, which is nice, but god you really can not do anything without him being there
×the scalp massage he gives you in the process almost lulls you to sleep but you immediately get jolted awake by his loud voice
×you def get a headache from his constant presence and incessant need to think out loud
×but he loves you and this is one of the many ways he shows it so can you really be that mad?


×equally scared of getting sick and wanting to take care of you
×or at least be with you cause you're her partner and best friend and she's used to constantly being around you
×this creates the biggest conflict ever in her mind
×she stands in the doorframe for a while, staring at you in bed
×once you notice her you stare back, but she doesn't say anything
×eventually she starts walking back and forth, into your room and out again
×in the end she decides to just get over herself and brings you a glass of water
×the more time she spends around your sick self the less scared she is
×she doesn't really take care of you, but she does keep you entertained
×you watch tiktoks, movies, just chat, play uno, all from the comfort of your bed


×fusses almost as much as Barry
×spends a lot of time on google
×he googles your symptoms, gets worked up over you having a fatal illness, then calms down again when you tell him you're actually not dying 
×he also googles what sick people should eat and then goes to town in the kitchen
×he is fueled entirely by anxiety
×what if you don't get better!!!! he knows you said you aren't dying but what if you are and you just don't know it yet!
×go and calm him down before his head explodes and you find pieces of brain and skull in your soup


×anyone else wouldn't notice the change in his behaviour but you do
×he's ever so slightly more worried
×goes into "caretaker mode" meaning he.... wraps you in blankets occasionally?
×orders you food, makes sure you're comfortable, makes sure you're never out of water
×sleeps with you at night even if he gets sick
×always checks if you're wearing warm socks
×if you're not he's wordlessly going to put a pair on you
×sometimes he just comes to you to gently massage your scalp or brush your hair

The Beast

×why do i fucking write these
×if you're sick he eats you
×there, are u happy?
×he does not take care of you, he makes your life even worse
×if he doesn't eat u then he eats ur blankets, pillows, socks, all the food u make
×get away from him if u want to recover comfortably

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