taking a break

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i basically already wrote this under short scenarios soooo..... round 2

he stared at you with a face twisted in anger, eyes filled with rage. you stood your ground, facing him with the same expression. "stop being so stubborn," he growled. "stop being so selfish!" you yelled, "you're never around and i deserve to get some love when you actually are here!" you could see him boiling, a couple veins popping out. "you're not a child!" his voice grew louder than ever before. normally this would terrify you, but you were too mad at him. and for a good reason. "would you at least tell me where you go?!" "i can't tell you that." his voice lowered again. you thought for a bit. your posture relaxed slightly, as did his. "are you stalking someone? planning on replacing me?" his eyes shot up from the ground at your questions. "no. why would you even assume that?" he tensed up again. "maybe because that's what you did to me. do you think i'm dumb?!" you were yelling once again, "i've had it. fuck you." he never even had time to say anything. you stormed out, leaving him there. dennis was still fuming. his fist met the wall and went right through it. you heard him yell as you made your way down the street.


"there's too much going on right now, i'm sorry, darling," patricia gently held your hands as you sat at the table. "i don't understand," you mumbled, doing your best to not cry in front of her. "i need to concentrate on the others, they're taking a lot out of me right now. the beast is vicious and i feel really bad having to do this to you but i promise it's temporary," her voice was calm and soothing. a good mask she put on. inside she was just as shaky and on the verge of tears as you. "the second everything has calmed down again i will call you. the exact second." you slowly nodded your head, sniffling, never once looking up from your hands. "okay," you whispered, "i trust you."


"hedwig, can you let someone else take the light for a bit?" he tilted his head in confusion. "i have to talk to an adult. patricia, please." he gave a very disappointed look before being switched. "what is it, sweetheart?" her comforting yet concerned look made you feel safe. "well, i need a bit of time for myself," you sighed, "it's like i'm constantly stuck in this babysitter position and i need to take a break so i could do my own thing for even a little bit. i feel like if i did that i could come back and be better for him." patricia nodded, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. "it's okay. we'll take good care of him," she assured you. you smiled a bit and nodded. "i'll let you say goodbye." you thanked her. hedwig's big eyes stared at you as the hand slid down from your shoulder and back to his own body. "so?" he asked, patience deteriorating. "i have to go away for a bit. patricia promised they would care for you." he looked more disappointed than ever before. "it's temporary," you told him. he seemed to think for a moment. "can i put a tattoo on you?" he asked. you were confused and it showed. "well, when the tattoo comes off you have to come back." you thought about it for a moment before agreeing. he grinned and excitedly brought you a collection of temporary tattoos, letting you choose one before applying it on your arm.


"i don't believe you," you snarled. "why would i lie to you?" he shot back. "i don't know! why would anyone?!" "okay, better question then. why would i sleep with someone else if i love you?" he glared at you. he had recently gone away for a week. it was a business trip. when he came back he looked off. he acted even weirder. he smelled too feminine. he either made excuses or avoided questions. "was she better than me? am i not good enough?" you snapped, getting closer to his face. he looked disgusted. "i physically can not imagine anyone better than you. you're on crack!" "i want a break from you." "what?!" he grabbed you "are you fucking serious?! just because you think i cheated on you?! i would never do that! yeah, a lot of the people on the trip were women but they were all old and wrinkly and even the younger ones were nothing compared to you! ever since i saw you at that store everyone else looks so unappealing and mediocre! please don't go..." you choked back tears, staring at him. his eyes were gentle and apologetic, tears slowly slipping down his cheeks. you stayed strong. "i'm going. you can't change my mind anymore. you should've answered my questions when you had the chance."


jade stormed into your room, fuming, foam practically forming at the corners of her mouth. "wh-what's wrong?" you quickly turned to her. "i'm dumping you," her tone was serious and full of hatred. "what? why?" "i just got pictures of you with someone else. some whatever account on instagram dm'ed them to me. of you two cuddling and kissing and also... the nudes you sent to him." you went pale, trembling and crying. "jade, please..." "shut up!" you scooted towards her slowly, "please, that was before i met you. he was awful, i hate him and i haven't seen him since we broke up." this only seemed to anger her more "they look pretty damn recent to me. unless your hair also looked like this years ago?" "h-he must have photoshopped that-" "besides, why would anyone keep pictures of their ex for this long anyway? huh?! the first thing i do is delete all photos of them." she turned her phone screen to face you as she pressed delete on the folder she had dedicated to you. you watched with tears falling down your face. your heart was pounding. it hurt. you looked at her, unable to stop crying. she didn't look any less mad.


"can we do anything else?" "what, have you suddenly become bored of me?!" he yelled suddenly. you were shocked. you just wanted to do something besides digging little toy bones out of sand. "what?" your voice was careful and a bit shaky. "do we need to see other people?!" he snapped again. "orwell..." "i think so! if you don't want to be with me then get out!" you pushed yourself back a bit, staring at him. "are you breaking up with me?" "so what if i am?!" he couldn't even look at you. he only looked at the floor, fists clenched tight. "did i do something?" "get out! please." you knew he wasn't going to talk to you anymore. you just got up, grabbed your stuff and left, hoping he would explain himself later.


the two of you lie on the bed, facing each other. both hearts heavy, eyes glossy. "you know you need this," you said calmly. he nodded. you had decided to take a break. just a short one. until he was better. he was starting to get too dependent on you and was developing separation anxiety. that only hurt him and as much as you loved each other you knew it was for the best. "i could check back in in a month. if i last that long," you laughed sadly. he smiled, not daring to speak with tears so close to being out. you spent the rest of the night cuddled up for the last time.

The Beast

"can you get off my back for two god. damn. seconds?!" you turned around and yelled at the man behind you. he knelt like a monkey, his facial expression matching it perfectly. you could hear his brain buffering as it processed the words. something just failed to add up in his head as he kept staring at you, then the ground, and then a different spot on the ground, just slightly more to the left. his eyes kept flicking between the last two. "what do you not understand?!" you snapped. he jolted backwards a few centimeters and stared into your eyes, not daring to blink. he didn't understand how, as a guardian, he was no longer allowed to guard. how would he keep you safe if he couldn't be right with you 24/7? "you know what, i'm leaving. i hope you can stay in that head and let someone who actually thinks take over, at least until i get back." he felt tears starting to form but his mouth wouldn't open nor would his body move. you looked real funky with his blurry vision as you left the house.

i would never dump any of u :***
hope this wasn't too bad to read :(

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