short scenarios

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×you sat on a bench at the bus stop, waiting for the very last bus back home. you'd gotten into a fight with him because you were being childish and he wasn't having it. so you ran out to the city and stayed there the entire day. he tried calling you many times as did the other alters. you didn't pick up. they all texted you and apologised for Dennis' behaviour.
  a few minutes pass. then more. you glance at the clock nervously, watching another minute go by. the bus was more than ten minutes late. you didn't know whether you'd missed it or it had been cancelled. there was no possible way of it taking so long.

finally you stood up, deciding to walk back. it was a long way, but you didn't have any money to get a taxi. slowly shuffling down the road you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. your phone suddenly starts vibrating, causing you to jolt and nearly lose your balance. you look at the screen and see one of them calling. you decide to ignore it once again and put your phone on mute, shoving it back into your pocket. tears well up in your eyes as you think back to the fight. he didn't mean to snap and you knew it. you kept pressing all his buttons intentionally. it wasn't a smart move, but it got you the attention you longed for.

a car passes, illuminating the dark road you're walking on and the even darker forest next to it. it would've terrified you, but it wasn't the first time you walked this path. your own boyfriend was more dangerous than whatever could be lurking in that forest. you carefully cross the road, dragging your feet as you turn to the left. just a few more blocks. your legs were sore and your entire body was begging to sit down and rest, but you kept pushing yourself. the street was completely empty, only a few of the lamps still showing you the way home as the rest had broken long ago.

a sudden crunch behind you made your pace speed up drastically. every inch of your brain screamed at you to run and adrenaline pumped all throughout your body, but your limbs wouldn't listen to the command. only when a gate rattled behind your back did your legs finally carry your body fast enough for it to be considered running. thoughts of being squeezed in your boyfriend's arms fueled your legs as you made your way past familiar houses. until finally you tripped over a branch and braced yourself for impact. you felt pain in your arms before being lifted up into someone's warm and tight embrace. it was Dennis. his body was shaking and his breathing hitched as if he was crying. the tears rolling down his cheeks confirmed it.

he sat you down on the bed, kneeling in front of you. "i'm so sorry, (y/n)," he said for the 100th time. you just nodded and smiled at him, "it's fine." he refused to leave you alone for the rest of the week and tried to make it up to you by being unnervingly romantic. you'd receive flowers, sweets and lots of kisses. he was very gentle for a while before returning to normal. the normal Dennis whom you love.


×you sat at the kitchen table, staring at your girlfriend gracefully gliding across the floor as she gathered ingredients for cupcakes. she decided she was going to bake some for you to show her appreciation. you told her many times that it wasn't necessary, but she insisted. and thus you ended up on the chair as she mixed everything in a bowl, humming as she inspected the recipe. you smiled as she turned to you, narrowing her eyes for a second before smiling back.

Patricia carefully pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and placed them on the counter. she was still and silent for a minute then let out a heavy sigh. "they look terrible, darling, i'm sorry," she stated, rubbing her temples. you made your way over to her, wrapping an arm around her as you looked at the baked goods. "why are they that colour?" you questioned, looking at her. "i tried to make them pink, but the food colouring didn't exactly deliver the best results." you let out a small laugh, hugging her tightly for a second before grabbing one. she tried to warn you about them being too hot, but it was too late. your fingers stung and you violently pulled away, dropping the cupcake you had tried to pick up. Patricia shook her head, pulling you over to the sink and sticking your hands under the cold running water. "sweetheart, as much as i love you, you're still an idiot," she stated, drying your hands with a soft towel. after that she brought your burnt fingers to her lips and kissed them as softly as she could.

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