009 fuck off

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they change and walk to the pool. veronica put a big t-shirt over her so she wasn't walking around in a swimsuit. they got by the edge of the pool and elijah grabs two towels. "i think the water is warm but i dont know"

"im sure it's fine" she insures. he jumps in and when he came up shook his head to dry his hair. she looks at him in aw and sub-concisely smiled. he comes back up and looks at her. "what" he laughs and smiles awkwardly.

"nothing," she uncontrollably smiles widely. "then what are you waiting for get in," he laughs before going under the water shin. she turns around and takes off the shirt. he watches her and takes in her features. "well don't stare it's rude," she teases and watches how he is noticeably flustered.

she slowly got in the pool using the stairs "it is definitely warm," she approves. she goes under and swims around before coming back up. "our suits our matching," he points out while looking at her from across the pool. "cute," she laughs.

he goes under and swims towards her. "wanna race?" he asks like a little child. "no im gonna lose," denying his request. "i'll give you a head start," he says in a taunting tone. "okay fine but only once," she agrees.

she starts to swim to the other side of the pool and he follows close behind definitely not swimming his fastest. she gets to the other side first and watches him with a 'really?' look in her face "what is that look for."

"you didn't even try," she say's annoyed "what? yeah i did" he laughs at her. "shut up" she shuves him and fake pouts. "aww did i make someone mad?"

she gives him a fake mad look and then starts laughing. "im never mad what do you mean" she joked. "i can feel the sarcasm" he laughs. she keeps a straight face for as long as possible and the bursts into laughter.

she starts laughing even harder and he grabs here and throws her further into the pool. she comes up from the water and looks shocked. he just laughs at her and she starts laughing and swims towards him.

she jumps on him and splashes him. they fake fight for a little and both stop. he puts her down infront of him and looks into her eyes. "do you wanna be my girlfriend" he asks.

"yes...yes 100 times yes" she smiles widely not being able to comprehend what just happened. she put both of her hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss.

she pulled away to catch her breath and he grabbed her hips and put her on top of him. she wrapped her legs around his torso and he kissed her.

they kissed each other. veronica pulled back a little to breath and elijah used the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth. he slide his tongue along bottom lip and then pulled back.

she light smiles at him and he starts to laugh. "how does it feel to have a boyfriend" he asks as a joke. "im
just glad it's you" she smiles

veronica walks into her house after not being home for about three weeks. "home sweet home" she says while walking up the  stairs. "hello? anybody home?" she yells with no response. "of course not"

"and now i'm talking to myself"

about an hour later she decides to text her friends.

[ ɪ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ]


𝕀𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤 💜👑🎩🐥🐶🙈

veronica - barney
aurora - sleeping beauty
kennedy - mrs. president
nick - bird boy
matt - bernard
chris - baby c

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