03.8 - 04 ・ and you are? ( whoops! )

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Jeonghan tried his best to hide himself from others.

Did it work? no, not really... well? when he passed the invitations, no one mention anything that could give him away.

The people he and his parents wanted to come got an glittery invitation from them. though on his part he was supposed to put special bracelets that could indicate who was coming was thr right person.

Like I don't know.. maybe putting the letters in a box with added bracelets?

He did that for one group, but the others... he forgot. since he accidentally stuffed all those bracelets into that one group's gift box.

He didn't mean to but he just completely forgot to do the rest and threw them in that box for later. which wasn't the best choice..

He sighed walking down the halls of his school, ❝ Now how I'm gonna be sure that... oh! ❞ he paused as he spied a certain someone. it was one of the kids he mailed the box to.

Well actually it was all of them. they all went to the same school as him. right...he forgot about that..

❝ Maybe they still have them? oh please don't tell me they threw it away.. ❞ he gathered the courage to walk up but as he soon as he did, he immdiately walked back to the corner where he hid.

❝ Now how do you ask people things without being awkward and suspicious..? ❞ and after 5 minutes he went up again.

❝ Heyyy.. uhhh, friends! ❞

aish, what are you doing? fRiEnDs? why am I like this..

They all looked at each other and back at him, ❝ Hey? oh, you're Yoon Jeonghan right? what's up? ❞

❝ I.. uh.. uhm.. ❞ think, THINK! what was I gonna say again??

Suddenly the shortest snapped his fingers with his eyes closed, ❝ Yoon, Yoon... ah! by any chance you know about this monster mystery party or something, held on.. oh what's the date again.. ❞

❝ My birthday, October 4th? ❞

One of them pointed at him, ❝ Wait we're..you're.. you're, Yoon Jeonghan? THE Yoon Jeonghan? ❞

❝ Yeah? ❞

❝ We're going to your house, birthday party, and mystery party.. wow. ❞ his hands were on his head as his face displayed disbelief.

❝ He's a big fan of you. ❞

❝ Oh, uh, thanks? anyways, I was going to ask if you have the bracelets that I accidentally put in there? I was supposed to give them to others but I've made mistake with that... ❞

❝ Yeah, we were going to find the people ourselves but I think it's best of you do it. ❞ the boy passed the crumpled up box to him.

When he noticed the condition of it, the other just shook his head, ❝ Don't ask.. ❞

❝ Thanks. and you are..? ❞

❝ Hansol, that's Seungkwan, and Dino. and those other guys you mention in the letter are Mark and Yeonjun. ❞

❝ Nice, I'll see you... at the party! ❞

Well that was easy.

Since that was done, he was just going to do it another easy way. putting them in the person's lockers. how did he know their lockers and possible lock combinations?

With the help as the principal's nephew anything was possible.

But he didn't decided to do that and just slipped in the visible 3 holes at the top since the bracelets were small enough to slide through.

And when he was about to slip in the last one, he felt something around his waist. hopefully it wasn't who he thought it was.

❝ What do you need? ❞

❝ Nothing... what's ya doing around my locker? ❞ the taller boy murmured.

❝ Nothing, suspicious at least.. ❞ he mocked.

❝ Ayo Cheol! aigoo, stop flirting with Jeonghan hyung. ❞ he heard someone call out.

Jeonghan dramatically turned ❝ Oi, Josh, could you help a poor damsel in distress from this himbo? ❞ he pointed at the other who pouted.

❝ HIMBO? i mean thanks but ouch. and we're like the same age. ❞

He shook his head, clicking his tongue, ❝ Not yet. ❞

Seungcheol was about to point out how mean he was being when Joshua came over, ❝ Y'all fight like a married couple. I feel like third wheel every time. ❞

❝ Thankfully we aren't, if we were, I would have divorced him a long time ago. ❞

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