14 ・ 1 4/3

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Everyone stared at the older with the weirdest looks. well, she had a plan, it just was little too advanced for their little brains to comprehend.

Seungkwan dramatically flicked his hand out, ❝ You want me to do wha~? ❞

❝ You and Vernon dress up ladies, seduce them, they get distracted, we jump them! ❞

❝ well...actually maybe we should call the police first.. ❞ she clicked her tongue and drew another line from "boo and sol realizing how cute they are together " and wrote "call popo"

❝ Y'all didn't think of that before? ❞

Sheon and Jeonghan looked at each other and shrugged, ❝ We thought we'd get them quick enough that we wouldn't need the police! but I guess we do at this point. ❞

Jeonghan pushed his hair back, which accidentally smacked Seungkwan in the face as he spoke, ❝ Let's just go with Plan B like we planned. ❞

Minghao frowned, ❝ But I thought that was Plan G? or that's what I remembered. ❞

Joshua scrunched up his eyebrows, ❝ How many plans did you guys even plan when we were gone? is there like a Plan M? ❞

Sheon stayed face to the whiteboard as she spoke,
❝ Yeah there is! but Mingyu dies in Plan M so we were like MHMMM let's not... ❞

❝ Though, Plan M sounds great. ❞ Jihoon remarks as Mingyu pouts with a slump.

❝ Where did you even get the whiteboard from? ❞ Seungcheol asked.

❝ The burglars lefted it here. I thought Jeonghan's family left it here since this is like their storage room or something.. but nope! the culprits lefted it here! hilarious right? ❞ she exclaimed before turning around and continued to put them in more shenanigans.

The others looked at each other the back at her.
❝ You didn't get a chance to see what they we're planning? ❞

❝ Oh I did, I sketched it out somewhere in my notebook. you can see if you want. it's near the microwave over there. ❞ she pointed to a dark corner where a single microwave sat ominously on a stool.

Jihoon decided to get it since the others were "being cowards." he walked over and saw the black covered book on top of the microwave. he was about to pick it up when a stench stung his nose, ❝ Is it just me or does something stink? ❞ he asked while holding his nose.

❝ Really? I don't smell anything though. ❞

❝ Maybe it's coming from the microwave. it looks pretty old and used up. ❞ Jun brought up which signaled the younger to look closer.

He opened the microwave and a much stronger stench irritated his nose, ❝ Mhm... someone's been cooking ramen in here. like constantly. there's even greasy stuff left behind. ❞ he mentions.

His eyes catch onto something that stuck to the side. a sticky note with surprisingly good handwriting in the most curvise font you could ever see. all the boy could pick up from was it "Case 1 4/3 in completion!"

His fingers felt slightly stickey and definitely smelled like what came out of it. ❝ Welp, time to watch my hands, figure this out. ❞ and he lefted immediately to the sink.

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