9. Warm Welcome

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Jaelyn POV

Before we could give a knock, the door was opened by someone. It was one of the maids who introduced herself as Clara. She informed us that Mrs Richard aka my mother has been waiting for us in the living room.

" Bienvenido a casa " my mom welcomed us with a warm smile. If i haven't mentioned before she is half Columbian.

" Is that French ?? " Natalie asked me in a low voice .

' Good, she doesn't understand Spanish '

" No, Nate it's Spanish " I whispered to her.

Looking our confused looks my mom said " Welcome Home, My name is Tanya Richard. You can call me Tanya. And you must be Ziva and Natalie "

We just nodded our heads. She embraced me with a hug and I returned it back to her.

' God I missed this for years '

" Hi my name is Ziva Hastings and this is my friend Natalie Paige "

' well this is awkward to introduce myself to my mom '

" Hastings huh?? I know few Hastings " she said with a mischievous look. Well Hastings was my mom's maiden name.

I gave her a glare and she let out a chuckle. Then she turned towards Natalie and gave her a hug.

I could see Natalie getting stiffened by the sudden hug.

" muchas gracias por cuidar de mi hija "
( Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter )

"Uh.. Sorry mam , I don't understand or speak Spanish but Ziva does. " Natalie gave me a knowing look. My friends know that I speak Spanish and French fluently as I took those classes in college for extra credits.

" I said , Thank you so much for Accepting our offer and please call me Tanya dear " my mom said with a grateful smile.

" te extrañé. extrañaba mi casa " under my breath
( I missed you. I missed Home)

That's all i could say . Before Natalie could ask something I continued
" Thank you so much for choosing us. We will do our best to make this wedding a special one "

"Oh I know. By the way, my husband is on his way . He had an early morning meeting so he is coming back from it. You girls can leave your bags in the guest rooms and refresh yourself. The Brunch will be served soon. "

" Thank you Tanya " Natalie responded.
" Gracias Tani 😊 " ( Thank you Tani ) I said.

William and myself, we used to call her Tani when we were little . She smiled at me and asked us to follow the maid who will show us the rooms

After sometime..

"You gotta be kidding me !!! " I said more to myself as I entered the room allotted to me. It was my bed room. Wasn't we suppose to stay in guest rooms ? I kept looking around. It had a book shelf with my favourite books and my legs voluntarily moved towards them. It all felt so familiar to me. I took a book and sat down near the window.

' Feeling Nostalgic right?? ' I heard my inner voice

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' Feeling Nostalgic right?? ' I heard my inner voice. True. It's been 9 years.

" Some things never change right ? You and books again " I got startled by the sudden voice.

" God!! Can't you just knock and come inside. You scared me Idiot. "

" I'm sorry. I just came to give you a surprise. And for your information I gave a knock before coming inside. Soooo SURPRISE " my brother came to me and gave me a tight hug.

" Look at you Jael. Looking so pretty. I could feel powerful aura around you baby sis " he joked.

" Will , Look at you. What happened to the nerd Doctor?? Madison really changed you for good "

" Yeah, credits to her. Who would have thought that I will be getting married to Madison - School's Popular Girl "

" Congratulations . I'm happy for you both. She loves you and it's always been you. don't forget that "

" Yeah , I know. She will be here in the Evening to meet you and Natalie. "

" You both know the conditions right? Better play by it." I asked him seriously.

" Yeah ,Yeah .. Whatever .. Now come down. Dad is here and Mom asked you and Natalie to join us for brunch "

I gave him a smile and went to Natalie's room . It was three rooms away from mine.

I knocked her door and I heard a faint 'come in' from inside

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I knocked her door and I heard a faint 'come in' from inside.

" Wow.. 😲 " that's all i could say.

' Our mom has made a Lot of effort to make this room more comfortable for Natalie' my inner voice said.

" I know right. This is the best guest room I have ever seen or stayed . These people know how to treat their guests. " She said. I could see that she is still in shock.

" Yeah, They do. The Brunch is served . Just met Mr William. Madison will be meeting us in the evening and Mr Richard is downstairs waiting for us to join "

" Nothing makes my mood better than a good food " Natalie jumped off from her bed as we both moved downstairs.

' one thing we both agree on . Food is our love language ❣️ '

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