44. Hidden Past

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Jaelyn's POV

What happened... Something is not right.
And they are trying to hide it from me.

Once the doctor said Sam is doing well and he gets to discharge in the evening, I felt relieved. Poor Guy..

" Come on Ziva, let's go home. My men will take care of him. " Jaden said.

" I need to go somewhere Jaden . " I informed him. I need to find everything.

" Where? " He asked me raising his eye brows.

" Knight Technologies" I said and started to walk towards his car.

" Ziva.. I think it's a bad idea " he said while following me.

" Bad idea? Fine then you will tell me everything. You want me to die without knowing the actual truth ? " I asked him signalling him to give me his car keys.

" No.. it's not my place to tell and don't worry, we will protect you " Jaden said while getting inside the passenger seat .

" Yeah.. The point is who is going to protect you all ? Today it's Sam. Tommorow it can be Asher or You or Xander or anyone close to me " I shouted at him while getting inside the driver's seat. Somehow I had an instinct that Xander is waiting for my arrival. He better be ready to face me.

Soon we reached the office and I took the elevator to reach the top floor. His assistant was sitting with some files. Once she noticed me, she got up and gave me a smile.

" Hi Miss Hastings. Mr.Knight has been waiting for you. Please go in. " She said. I just gave her a nod and entered his office.

" Hey Zee, I expected you to be here a bit earlier. Today's action sequence involved lot of blood shed I guess " he said while working something on his laptop. Jaden entered after me. He just took a seat on the sofa and started to go through some magazine..

' God?? How can they both act so cool as nothing happened while I'm boiling inside'

" Sam is in hospital. " I said. He just gave me a nod and said " yup.. I spoke to him a while ago. He will survive. He has seen worse. So what's the matter you came here for ? "

" I want answers " I blurted out.
This time he looked at me away from his screen. Good.. He better give me the answers.

" Shoot the question " he said signalling me to go ahead.

" Okay.. who was the guy who tried to kill me ? " I asked starting with the easy one.

" I have no idea. He is British.
Not someone related to my job or mafia, so he is definitely behind you for some other purpose " he said thinking about it.

" Why am I his Target ? " I asked him. He said he has no idea about it and he is still working on it

" Fine.. Xander what do you mean by I'm their pawn in the game ? " I remembered the same words he used while we met at Cozmo.

" Sarah's death was planned one. They used you to get her out. " He said looking outside the window.

" Does that mean.. mean Sarah know about it? " I asked him.

" That we are mafia ? Yes..
That she was going to die that night ? Yes I guess. That's why she saved you. " He said with a small smile.

" She saved me ? " I asked him again.

" You were unconscious when we rescued you. She had her consciousness  but badly injured. We rushed to the hospital with you both. Her last words were Save Zee. I guess we did that. We transplanted her heart into you when doctor said that you can survive by it as she don't have a chance " he said as if he was remembering that night. I couldn't move my feet hearing the news. She wanted me to be saved.

" Who.. Who.. Who did this to her? Who could possibly kill her ? " I was now a crying mess. I felt like my heart was going to come outside. I had so much pain inside me.

" A Russian Mafia gang, they did everything. They tracked the routine you both had. My dad took revenge on them by killing their boss, after a year of investigations but unfortunately he lost his life due to that war. I thought they were the one behind you but now it's a different story I guess. " Xander said while trying to comfort me.

" Why no one said anything about this. Why ? " I shouted at him.

" What do you expect us to do Zee ? Huh? You were a 16 year old kid. I already lost my baby sister. I saw you lying on the bed unconscious for 10 days after the transplant. You had temporary coma. For godsake I was just an 18 year old. I had to take my time to cope up with everything " he fired back at me. I could sense his frustration.

' True..I can't blame him. He lost her because of my stupidity. '

" I'm sorry Xander " I just murmured. He just pulled me into a hug and comforted me.

" Who else other than your family know about this " I asked him breaking the hug .

" Just your dad. He thought moving you away from New York will make you better and forget about the accident.He made sure that you stay away from this truth. But your decision of hiding your identity surprised us. Once I heard that you got transferred, I was ready to come and meet you. I missed being with you. But my dad stopped me. Even he thought it was safe for you to stay in Sydney rather than here. But I couldn't feel at ease about it. That's why I asked Jaden to have an eye on you but that idiot became your friend." He said while glaring at Jaden.

" Woah.. she is still your best friend. " Jaden said raising up his hands in surender.

" No.. She is my sister. Even better right ? I miss Sarah but I see her living through you. " Xander said stroking my hair with care.

I just let out a chuckle. Jaden came to me and wiped my tears. " Ziva, don't cry. Everything is going to be okay. Xander will take care of it. It's getting late. Can we leave ? "

" Jaden I have a place to visit. Just go home. I'll be back soon " I said while picking up my bag. I could hear them arguing among themselves about me leaving alone.

" She can't go alone Xander, it's not safe " I heard Jaden's voice laced with worry.

" Let her go. Don't disturb her. Just stay away and have an eye on her. " Xander said.

I rushed out of his room. I was too tired to fight with them . I ran out from his building and got a cab. I saw Jaden's car following me which was relieving. But I need some lone time to process and think about everything.

" Mam, we are here. " The cab driver's voice broke my thoughts. I just rolled down the window and saw the place before me.

' I finally came here ' my heart said.

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