30. Xander

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Jaelyn's POV

' Mistake..
He thinks kissing me was a mistake
I know right ..
He is Asher Parker not just a normal regular guy. He dates models and right now he is dating Sophia Campbell. How intresting. I have seen her on magazines and billboards. She is a famous model whereas me on the other hand is just a girl with a terrible past. As he said it was a mistake.' My thoughts got interrupted by sudden stopping of the car. I looked through the window and saw ' Knight Technologies ' written in bold letters.

Today morning, Dad gave me his guest list along with the invites for the Friday dinner. He asked me to deliver the invites on behalf of Richards. As an event planner it's my job to make the arrangements for the dinner. I know, I'm just the wedding planner but couldn't argue with him.

" Ziva, I'll wait here. Just take your time. " Peter said while parking the car.

" Yeah Peter. I'll be back soon " I informed him and entered the office. Knight Technologies are renowned for their research development and manufacturing of firearms. My dad used to say that they are the best in this business.

" Hi.. I'm Ziva Hastings. I'm here to meet Mr.Knight. I have an appointment under the name Mr Richard. " I informed to a girl in the front desk. She looked at me up and down. I just gave her a tight smile. She looked young, caked on and had a name tag. ' Heather Scott ' that's her name.

" Are you Mr.Richard " she asked me rolling her eyes.

" Err.. Do I look like Mr. Richard? " I asked her back.

" Exactly.. So I can't let you in " she said while continuing her work .

" But .. I'm on behalf of him. Just call him and inform that Ziva is here. " I tried to sound calm.

" No.. I can't do that. I can't allow some random bitch to enter his cabin just like that " she said with a disgusting expression on her face.

" First, Don't call me names. You don't know me. Second, Call Alexander and inform him of my presence. "

" Woah.. You got so much nerve to call him by his first name huh? "

" Fine.. I'll call him myself " I replied her back and took my phone from my bag. Now the floor was very quiet and there was a crowd watching our argument.


" Hello " I heard his voice right after a ring.

" Get down here, right now " I said and cut the call.

" Very Funny .. You made a call to Mr Knight right now? Look everyone, She is saying she made a call to Mr Knight and ordered him to come down " she said with a fake laugh.

" Yes I did .. "

" Look here.. Bitch..He is not a person to listen to your orders. He never takes orders from anyone. So stop pretending and Listen to me carefully. Mr Knight is in an important meeting right now. It's a huge deal for him. So get out of this building and showcase your fake acts outside. Move out before I call the security " she said with a threatening voice. I heard murmurs around the room.

Before I could reply her,
" What's going on here? " I heard his voice booming through the halls. There was a pin drop silence.

" Zee.. What happened? " He asked me.

" Oh.. I just came here to give you the invites for the Thanksgiving Dinner. But got blocked by her. "

" And why is that Miss Scott ? " now he asked her.

" Bec.. Because..Because she doesn't have a proper appointment Sir.." she stammered

" I had an appointment under the name of Mr. Richard and Even asked her to inform you about my presence " I told him.

" But.. But.. Sir I thought.. she was some random girl.. a stalker. Look at her, she doesn't look like .. like someone to work for Richards "
I could feel that everyone around were staring at me. I looked at Xander again, he had that serious look on his face. Probably pissed as I ruined his meeting with an important client. I looked at the girl. She looked pale as if she saw some ghost. Dad used to say that Knights are people,who you don't want to mess up with in life but I always felt like a family around them. Now I know why.. I mean Xander looks scary.

" She doesn't need an appointment to meet me. And Miss Scott, She is not a Bitch. Is this how you treat someone who comes to meet me? Now leave my building. You are fired because of your unprofessional behaviour " He just ordered her and pulled me towards the elevator.

We never spoke throughout the ride in the elevator. From the corner of my eye I could see him looking pissed.

We entered his room.
" I'm sorry... I .. I just came to give the invites for the dinner. I never intended to ruin your meeting. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me for the mess " I started to talk.

" No.. I'm the one to say sorry for my employer's mistake. You should have called me sooner. And I'm sorry Zee. You don't require an appointment to meet me. You are always welcomed here. "

" Yeah.. I know ... And About the meeting.." I got cut by him again.
" Screw it. You are important. I was scared that something happened to you when you called me. " He said caressing my hair gently.

" Please don't . I'm good.. here are the invites. " He got it from me and looked at me with a raised an eyebrow.
" Oh.. one for you and one for your date" I informed him. He let out a chuckle.
" Thanks. So who is your date? " He asked me. His question made me to think about Asher.
" No one " I replied him.
" Why not? " He asked me again. He looked surprised.
" Because I'm not funny " I said with a chuckle.
" Oh.. That's not true. You are cute and definitely funny. I know that for sure. So Zee Will you be my date for the dinner ?.. And I'm not asking you out of pity or something. I don't have a date either. I would like to accompany you and be a gentleman here. "

" I know.. I would love to be your date .." I smiled at him. He might be tough and scary but he never fails to cheer me up.
So that's settled now. With Xander by my side , this Thanksgiving is going to be interesting.

Happy Halloween 🎃

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