29. Mistake

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Asher's POV

She left me right after the kiss. The kiss was perfect, but it just happened. It was not on my plan for that day. I called her so that I can apologise but she never picked her phone that night.

' May be she is regretting the kiss. '

Morning I tried it again and she informed me that she will meet me after lunch. And here I am in my office with back to back meetings before the lunch break.

Soon it was 1pm. I heard a faint knock on my door. I asked the person to come in.

" Hi.. " she said. Her voice diverted my eyes away from my laptop.
" Hey.. come in .. Take a seat" I said closing my laptop.
" Uhmm.. I'm sorry that I'm bit early than the appointment time."
" Oh no worries.. So.. " I was finding it hard to start the conversation with her.
" So.. Sorry about yesterday. " She said
" Oh.. About that .. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that. I agree that it was my mistake. I .. I .. I'm really sorry. " I said to her.

There was awkward silence between both of us. She was in her deep thoughts.
I cleared my throat to bring her back to present.

" Yeah .. Me too.. I'm sorry.. " She said looking at her hands on her lap.
" Erm.. Coffee? " I asked her to change the topic but she just said no to it.
" Actually I'm here to give you this. " She said while taking out an invitation from her bag.

' Great.. Fucking great ...I had One Perfect kiss with her.. And now she is getting married to someone else.. '

I looked at her in confusion
" Oh.. This is an invite for a Thanksgiving Dinner happening in Rich Estate. Mr Richard asked me to deliver it to you. And it's on coming Friday night." she said with a smile.

" Oh.. thank you.. What about you? " I asked her. My mind was screaming inside to ask her to be my date on the evening.

" What about me? " She asked with a smile.

' Ask her now Idiot.. ' My mind said once again.

" Erm.. Would You like to be .. " Before I could complete my sentence I heard another knock on my door.

" One second.. Come in.. " I said . Linda came in and said " Sir, Miss Campbell is here. "

I gave her a ' what the hell ' look. She looked at Ziva and then back to me.
" I think it's kinda important sir " she said with a worried look.
" Oh It better be. Send her in." I said to her. She gave me a nod.

" And I'll leave .. It's time for my next appointment. " Ziva said standing up.
" Oh.. But.. About the dinner ? " Before I could ask her again I saw Sophia coming inside.

" Am I interrupting something.. " she asked looking at us.
We again stayed silent. Now She was looking at Ziva.

"This is Ziva " I introduced her. She just shook her hands and said
" Sophia Campbell, and who are you again? "

" Hi. I'm Ziva Hastings, I'm the wedding planner for Madison's wedding. Came here to deliver the invites for the Thanksgiving Dinner "
" Yeah .. The wedding planner from Sydney..I heard Madison praising about you to Natasha "

" Soph.. Why are you here ? " I asked her.
" Yeah .. Can you come with me please. Dad wants to meet us. " She said looking disturbed.
" Ask him to get an appointment. I'm quite busy right now. And remind him that I'm not his servant"

' I hate that guy. Always ordering around people. And how on earth Can he expect me to meet him whenever he wish '

" Ash.. Please .. For this once .. Don't ask me any questions and accompany me. He came to know about our dates, he is quite pissed " She said with pleading eyes.

I looked at Ziva. She had a blank expression on her face. I couldn't read her.

" Soph.. You know that those things can't be called as " before I could complete it, Ziva intrupted me with a fake cough. I again looked at her.

" I'm sorry to interrupt but I really need to leave right now. Its getting late. Nice to meet you Ms Campbell. And Mr. Parker I'm sorry, As you said it was a mistake. "
She just left my cabin sinking me with my own thoughts.

' Was it really a mistake, Then why am I feeling it so right ? '

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