4 - Yuji Itadori

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Sukina and Megumi changed into normal clothes, that appear normal in high school. They got permission to enter the school, so Sukina are the one who wears the tag. She wants to give it to Megumi, but after she realized that he would disagree, Sukina let it go.

"Look, Megumi. They're going to throw that ball. Lol, what's that game name again?" Sukina points at the field. Megumi didn't say anything, but he leads the way.

Sukina then looks around.

"Hm, is there any dead body here? The cursed spirits here are disgusting." Sukina glance at a pole. Megumi realized that too.

"Who knows." He sigh.

"Oh, since this is your mission alone, supposedly, can I look around for a bit? I promise that I would not do anything stupid." Sukina smile.

Well, Megumi didn't trust her words. He as the little brother? Give him a break. Sukina are the one who acts like a child here. Her emotions sometime like a roller coaster. Even Suguru fed up keeping up with her shits, especially if Satoru got involved.

"As long as you don't get into problem, or you are the problem, go on. I'm gonna check for the cursed object." He sigh.

"Hehe, thank you Megumi!" She smile. But yeah, the two parted away after they watch a man in yellow hoodie throw the ball, far. It even hits the soccer goal.

"He's strong." Megumi commented. Sukina nod, agree.

"Yeah. He did that without any cursed energy. But, something about him feels, weird. I wonder what it is." Sukina look at the man in the yellow hoodie.

"Hm, what do you mean?" Megumi asked. Sukina always like that. She's sensitive towards people.

"Not sure. He's just, different from normal human, nor sorcerer. Anyway, keep looking okay, Megumi? Don't worry about me. Oh, if I get lost, I'll teleport to you immediately." She winks, before walks away.

Megumi sigh. Great. He's babysitting another people after Satoru.

So, the two parted ways. Sukina looks around the field. Even though the curse spirit is about grade 1, she didn't hesitate to kill it, if only the field are empty. She didn't want to make people scared to when she suddenly hold a weapon here.

"Tch, just another time." Sukina left the field. Annoyed, that she can't exorcise the curse. Also, as a few men starts to walk to her way, with this weird looking face, she decided to go.

Or else, she's ended up making a problem here.

But, in the end, Sukina exit the school to buy some sweets. Well, like brother, like sister. The two literally going crazy for some sweets. Sukina didn't feel any ill omen or anything, until she ended up buying two bags of sweets. Two full bag.

"Oh, no. It's already this late. I need to meet up with Megumi, or else he's start nagging." Sukina bring her bags to the locker that they agree to rent before.

Sukina then feel that something is wrong. She then run towards the high school. It's already late, nearly night. Her phone- literally died because the battery is 0%. Megumi will definitely kill her because she didn't pick up his calls.

"What is that immense cursed energy?" Sukina could see that the school turns, dark. Horror. There's unspeakable atmosphere there. She then jumped through the school gate, before take out her katana. 

Goodness, normal people couldn't see cursed spirit, or else they will freak upon seeing something gooey appear from her pocket. It can shrink and change shape. Sukina could feel Megumi's cursed energy. Sukina closed her eyes, before teleport. She can warped herself like Satoru did.

"Megumi!" Her eyes widened when she could see Megumi was smashed to a wall. Oh no, there are normal people involved too. 3 normal people. Sukina sigh. She rushed towards the cursed spirit, before slice it to pieces.

"Miss, are you- okay?" Oh, it's the man in the yellow hoodie.

"I am. Now, cut it short man. Where's that special grade object?" She look at Megumi and the yellow hoodie guy.

"Um, it's here. By the way, I'm Yuji Itadori." He stated. 

"Sukina Gojo. That's Megumi Fushiguro. Oh goodness, they really got your head, Megumi." Chuckling, Sukina look at Megumi. He irked.

But yeah, another curses appear, before it attack Yuji and Megumi. Megumi pushed Sukina and Yuji away from the curses path, which make Sukina land straight on his lap.

Yuji blushed- but he realized this wasn't the time.

"Megumi, let me handle this. You grab Itadori and the others outside." Sukina stand up, before she changed her katana into a small knife. It's a sharp knife, with no cursed energy imbued. Well, she will channel her curse energy into it.

"You'll die!" Megumi yelled.

"Said the one who already bathing in his own blood." Sukina then take a deep breath, before she slashed the curse, a few times.

She's strong. Truly, she is. She once helped Satoru to exorcise a grade 1 curse, unintentionally. Even Satoru was surprised.

The curses seems to be too much for her to handle alone, and without using other curse technique. Sukina then was pushed by a large force, outside. Yuji, who realized that the girl is in danger, help.

"Stay out of this, Itadori!" Sukina yelled. She dodge the curse attack. This is the one on the field. Goodness, she should exorcise it earlier.

"You two are hurt!" He do some kicking and punching to the curse.

"You can only exorcise curses with curse!" Megumi said. Sukina flinched.

"You didn't tell him that huh? That's why he's plain stupid." Sukina sigh. She then rushed towards the curse, before give it a few cuts.

It's somehow hurt the curse, but it's still not enough.

"Tch, what a hard headed curse. It's seems like it love that special grade object." Sukina back out for a while.

"You mean the finger?! Then, let me do this!" Yuji said that. Sukina look at him with horror.

The curse managed to get a hold of him, but Yuji managed to get a hold to the finger.

"Don't do it, idiot!" Sukina yelled, along with Megumi.

Well, too late. Yuji eat the finger with one gulped. As Megumi couldn't stand anymore, Sukina stand in front of him, covering for him. 

Slowly, Yuji breaks the curse arms that holding him, before he exorcised it. Sukina sigh. Damn this.

"The special grade curse, has been incarnated. Great." She enters her battle stance.


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