22 - Chat

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Sukina sigh. Mahito escaped, after he lose the fight. He kinda use his domain expansion. But, being Sukina, she could say that she doesn't want to help. But, she told Yuji to find a weak spot on his domain and crack it open.

Sukina rushed towards Yuji and Nanami. Junpei follows her from behind.

"We need to follow him!" Nanami claimed. Yuji agree, but then he fall on the ground. Yuji can't move. Sukina lowers her body, so that she could reach Yuji that's laying on the ground.

"Ara, so much hole in you. Don't worry, I'll help." Sukina can see that Nanami is worry too, but she give him a smile, assuring him.

Sukina touch Yuji's back, before she use her reverse cursed technique. In seconds, all of his holes are gone. But yeah, Yuji feels tired and his body gave up.

"Good job, Sukina, Itadori. And you... Junpei Yoshino huh?" Nanami said. Sukina smile, before she stand up.

"Yeah..." He replied. Sukina stretch her arm. Yuji's eyes still open, not really wide but he can't move.

"Junpei, lift him. I'm tired. Do you need any healing too, Nanami san?" Sukina asks. Nanami shook his head.

"No, I'm fine. Let's get you three back. Ijichi is outside." He said. Goodness, the curtain was gone too.

"Alright. Oh, Nanami san. Can you recommend Junpei to Jujutsu High too?" Sukina asked.

The blond man look at Sukina, but when he see her unusual smile, he agree.

"Fine." He sigh.

"Hah? Wait, I didn-"

"Junpei. You owed me." Sukina enters the front seat. So, Nanami, Yuji and Junpei are at the back seats. Yuji need to lay down, so his head rest on Nanami's lap, while his feet are on Junpei's.

Junpei nod, hesitant.

"Don't worry. We'll grab your belongings later. Oh, also... You need to go through an interview with the principal. Just answer with your heart and don't fucked up, okay? Gosh, I'm tired." Sukina then leans to her seat.

It's quite late in the evening. 

"Alright..." Junpei replied.

When they arrived, Sukina follows Nanami and Ijichi to Yuji's chamber. They lay him on the ground. Also, Satoru just brought a nice bed to the room. Sukina look at Junpei, before sigh.

"Stay with Yuji. I'll be back tomorrow morning and we will get your belongings. Also, I'll get you to principal Yaga." 

Sukina left the room, before she goes straight to her room. Though it's time for dinner, Sukina take a fresh shower before wears her pyjamas. She then lay down on her bed before fall asleep, immediately. Nothing much happened after that.

So yeah. We're skipping to the next morning, where Sukina wears her usual uniform and teleport straight to Yuji's room. Of course, that makes Junpei startle so much that he nearly yells.

"Morning! You two good?" Sukina ties her hair into a bun. Yuji smile, before he nod.

"Yeah, we are. Do you want some meatballs, Sukina chan?" Yuji just finished making breakfast. Sukina nod.

"Sure." Sukina sit on the other side of couch, before she starts to eat. Yuji smile, before he offers some to Junpei.

Sukina smile. The meatballs is so warm and delicious. It's home made.

"Sukina chan..." Yuji called. The white haired put down her chopsticks before smile.


"Thank you for saving Junpei. I owed you too." Yuji smile, cheerful. Sukina smile, before she tilts her head a bit.

"Well, I hope you can save more people after this. You too, Junpei. I asked Ijichi san to send a few things at your old school. They know that you're changing school." Sukina sips her coffee, which is quite delicious too.

"What about... That guy?" Junpei asked. Sukina raise her brows.

"Who? I know nothing about you. Yuji, explain." Sukina take some veggies before she chews them.

"Oh, Junpei has this shikigami, jellyfish like. He used it on a man, and his arm immobilized." Yuji said.

"Oh, alright. Let that prick be. We don't need to worry about him. He's still alive and will live well." Sukina commented. Junpei eyes' widened.

"You... are not mad?" He asked. Still, Junpei didn't eat. Sukina shook her head.

"Nope. I know you have your own reasons. Bullies, if I could guess. You know, curses came from such emotions. That's why, let it go. You already got him good yesterday. Also, I read the report about your late mother. They found Sukuna's finger there." Sukina sigh. 

Junpei nod, before slightly cut the meatballs and eat. It's delicious.

"Sukuna's finger is a special grade object that could attract another curse. So, we assume Mahito put it there after both of us left the house. Yuji and I literally left nothing in your house before. So yeah. Goodness, I wonder how manipulative that blue bitch is." Sukina sigh, before she take another bite of the meatballs.

"I'm sorry, you two." Junpei frown. He feels sorry.

"It's okay. Now, eat fast. We'll get your clothes after this. Then, we'll meet principal Yaga. Oh, as Satoru and Geto sensei are absent, so yeah. You'll go there with Nanami." Sukina then take another bite.

Junpei nod, agree. 

"You need to be strong, after this. I hope you will live well, Junpei san. You had your second chance." Sukina smile, before she remained silent after that.

The meals finished after 20 minutes or so. Yuji already dress well and Sukina tie her hair into bun. Ijichi said that he could drive them to Junpei's house. So yeah, he did. 

It's around 30 minutes of packing. Junpei didn't have much to pack though. He brings his mother's coat along with another necessities.

When Ijichi drived back, the three thanked him.

"So, Yuji. Your job is done. I'll be with Junpei. Nanami san also said that he will be here shortly." Sukina sigh.

"Okay!" Yuji smile.

"Oh one more thing Junpei kun. Yuji Itadori were assumed dead. So, keep his presence as secret, okay? Just say that I saved you and so on. Do not include Yuji in your conversation." Sukina stated.

The man nod, understand the assignment.

"Right. Good. Do you still could use your shikigami?" Sukina asked. Junpei tries to summon his jellyfish, and it works.

Sukina smile.

"Alright. It's a wrap, I guess. Let's go!" Sukina and Junpei left Yuji's chamber, before she head straight to the principal office. Lucky, Nanami is there too.

"Let's get this over." Nanami sigh. Sukina smile, before she pat Junpei's shoulder. She assure him.


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