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(miss this season and him 😍)

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(miss this season and him 😍)

chapter fifty-one
[ break in ]

melissa has no clue where they are or what the plan is since she zoned out before. max had left and went to some random house and steve and dustin allowed her.

"does max know anyone in this neighborhood?" melissa asked but was ignored when the two boys began arguing over nancy.

great, arguing.

"i'll punch you so hard all your teeth will fall back out."

"whoa. too far."

"shut the fuck up both of you!" melissa yelled from the back, causing steve and dustin to look at her in shock.

"whoa! language little hopper." steve said to her.

she scoffed, "oh don't he talking, steve. have you heard what comes out of his mouth?" she asked, pointing right at dustin.

"leave me out of this." dustin said, holding his hands up.

"seriously mel, what's going on?" steve asked, the two boys turn to her, "are you okay?"

she looked from steve to dustin then back to steve, "nothing. im fine."

"is it because your little willy boy isn't here? is that why you're so upset?" dustin teased, beginning to fake cry which made steve slap him.

"shut up, you shouldn't be talking when your little girlfriend isn't here next to you, dusty-bun." she smirked.

steve laughed, "she's got a point."

"suzie is the only girl allowed to call me dusty-bun!" dustin yelled, turning to look out the window.

"how come i can't call you that, dusty?" melissa asked.

"just shut up. shut up!" dustin shouted, "shut the fuck up!"

"whoa hey! easy henderson." steve said, calming him down, "don't be like that."

melissa sat back in her seat and looked out the window, struggling to keep the tears from coming.

"mel...." dustin softly spoke, "i didn't mean to."

"it's whatever."

"here she comes, here she comes." steve said as max walked back over and opened the door, taking a seat.

"what'd she say?" steve asked.

"nothing, just drive." max snapped.

"steve, drive!"


and steve did just that. wherever they were going seemed urgent and the three could careless to inform the younger hopper who would soon be a major part of it all.

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