Ep 16

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Kate tries to push Mark but suddenly remembers, he is still having his fever and maybe thinking of Kate as Caroline.

She slowly takes him back to the couch and feeds him the soup and lays him down after giving him medications.

She takes a leave from her office that day and spends her day at home, working on her upcoming project at home while keeping an eye on Mark.


[After two days]

Kate wears formal dress and takes all her important documents. Today is the day when she has to present a big idea of hers in front of a foreign company. If she manages to secure the deal, she will surely get an increment. But she is visibly nervous.

Mark notices her being nervous.
"Are you nervous?"

Kate looks down, unable to answer.

"C'mon.... You shouldn't be like that. The Kate I knew was always confident. You just need to express your idea. Be yourself and you'll make it."
Mark cheers Kate up.

Kate smiles and leaves for her office.


[At the office]

Kate gathered her courage and was finally ready to prove herself when she saw Aiden.

Her heart sank.

She is crossing paths with Stephen without him recognising her. What a life God has gifted her!

Kate shakes her thoughts off and gets ready to present herself, but still she feels nervous.

She quickly gets out of the office to take a walk, when she noticed Mark there.

"I knew you would act like this. I have known you for years."
Mark approaches Kate.

"Drink this and boost your energy. Girl, you have done it previously as well and I know you can do it again."
Mark gives Kate a glucose drink.

Kate thanks Mark and drinks it.

"I just want to secure the deal. If this happens, we would become one of the strongest companies."

"You'll surely make it!"
Mark hugs Kate and wishes her best of luck before she heads to the presentation room.

[After the presentation]

"Congratulations Kate Wilson. You have successfully secured the deal."
Aiden shakes Kate's hands while praising her.

Kate smiles, but was it for her achievement or finally making Aiden start a conversation with her, she doesn't know.

After the meeting, she packs her things and runs down.

"You still here?"
Kate exclaims as he sees Mark still there.

"Yeah. I thought that I could wait for you."

"It's been more than 3 hours. Are you serious?....."

Kate frowns and approaches Mark,
"You forgot your wallet and can't ride a car way back home, right?"

Mark click his tongue. He was caught off-guard.

"I knew it"
Kate taunts Mark.

"Wanna grab a drink?"
Kate asks Mark.


Both of them head towards the nearest pub.

[After entering the pub]

Kate orders two large scotch and sits down.

"So you finally made it"
Mark asks.

Kate nods.

"I never knew I could do it so smoothly. I can say, this was my best performance ever."
Kate smiles.

"Well Kate, I'm flying back to Thailand the next week."

Kate almost chokes on her drink,
"All of a sudden?"

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