Chapter 21: Revelations

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Brooke got to the address Adam sent her by text in less than 20 minutes. She entered his building and there was a doorman that greeted her. He was an older gentleman with a welcoming smile.

"Hello miss, can I help you?" he said to her.

"Um, yes, I'm here to see Adam Horovitz, he's expecting me." she said quickly but smiled back at the doorman.

"Ok, let me call up. Please wait here" he said as he reached for the phone.

Brooke heard Adam pick up and he and the doorman had a brief exchange and she was allowed to take to the elevator to the top floor, the penthouse.

Brooke stepped in the elevator, he heart was racing. She felt like she was going to throw up, but that wasn't so unfamiliar to her at this point. But now it was because she was angry, not necessarily because she was pregnant.


Brooke shook her head as she felt herself getting more upset at the elevator climbed the tall building. She wanted answers. Why would he do this to her? Why would he lie to her about something like this? Was he playing some sick game?

The elevator stopped at the penthouse floor. The doors opened and she got out and walked a few steps as she saw the front door open and Adam standing there with what she could only describe as a look of pure love. Her face was rigid with anger and she could see Adam's face go from the look of love and happiness, to confusion and concern. He could tell she wasn't happy.

"What's wrong?" he immediately asked as he stepped aside to let her through. She was glad he didn't try to touch her when she entered. He shut the door and followed her into the foyer.

Brooke didn't stop at the foyer, she wandered into the next room she saw, it looked like a home office. And sat down in one of the big plush chairs.

"Nothing. What makes you think something wrong?" she said as he came around the front of the chair to face her. He leaned up against the desk as he looked at her intently.

"I mean, your face says it all. You look upset. What's going on?" he asked with concern and curiosity radiating from his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, I am a little upset... " she said sharply, looking away from him.

"At me?" he asked starting to recognize that something bad had happened and he might be the cause of it.

"Should I be mad at you?" Brooke said bringing her eyes back to him. "What did you do?"

Adam looked completely baffled, she could see him trying to figure out what was causing her anger.

"Brooke, I'm really confused. You said you wanted to see me so I thought... I mean, I hoped that maybe you wanted..." he let his voice trail off as if he was unsure of himself, which is what seemed to be at the moment.

Brooke let out a sarcastic laugh.

"You thought maybe I wanted to see you because I had decided that we should be together?" she said and let that statement hang in the air a couple of seconds

Adam still looking confused and a bit hurt, nodded his head a little. Then he spoke.

"Yeah, I guess i did... but that's obviously not the case and now I just want to know why you wanted to see me. If you don't want me then why reach out at all."

Brooke heard the irritation in his voice and that made her more pissed off.

"How long have you been in New York? And it's not like you bothered to contact me at all. Did you think I wouldn't find out?" she accused.

"Oh that's what this is about... he said flatly. His face now signaling he understood what was going on.

"Brooke, the way we left it was that you were going to come to me when you made up your mind, not the other way around. My mind, my feelings are already solidified. I want you. I want us. That hasn't changed. I had to come to New York for business and yeah, I hoped that you would see so that maybe you'd talk to me. I mean, you haven't even bothered to contact me at all. Not even a text to let me know how you were. I was fucking hurt. I mean, I guess I didn't mean shit to you. Is that what you're here to tell me?" he said angrily.

"You have a lot of fucking nerve being irritated at me..." Brooke said her voice getting louder. She couldn't stop the rage she felt and she didn't want to. He deserved all her anger and then some!

"What the fuck are you talking about?? I gave my heart to you two months ago, you tell me, you feel the same, but you leave me anyway. I don't hear shit from you, and now you show up at my door acting like a complete bitch." he said his voice growing louder to match hers. "Yeah, I think I get to be irritated."

Brooke felt like her head was going to explode. She stood up.

"YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME! Remember that, Adam? she screamed, standing up and getting directly in his face. "Actually, correction, you continue to lie to me! Am I just supposed to excuse that, because you tell me you love me? I don't trust you. We don't know each other and I don't want to be with someone who will lie at the drop of hat."

Brooke's eyes focused on Adam's. Instead of looking angry, he looked confused all of sudden.

'What do you mean I continue to lie to you? You know everything. We talked about that, I explained about Christine..." he started.

"I'm not talking about Christine!!" Brooke interjected.

Adam looked even more confused. His brown eyes looked dark and stormy now. "Brooke, I don't know what the hell you are talking about. So please just tell me so we can be finished here, you obviously hate me at this point. I'm not going around and around with you. I don't know what is going on and I'm done guessing what your problem is."


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