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A/N: My second Grandfathered fanfic is finally here! If you haven't read my first story, "Grandfathered: The Continuing Story" I highly suggest you read that one first so this story makes a little more sense!!
Now on with the story... hope you enjoy!!

"Gerald, relax."

Jimmy was trying to comfort his worried son, but was beginning to realize his efforts were in vain. Gerald was pacing around the living room of his house, going around in so many circles that Jimmy felt he was going to throw up. But when Gerald heard what his father said, he halted in his tracks.

"Thanks, Dad," he said in a snarky tone, "I didn't think of that!"

Vanessa had been sick the past few days, constantly throwing up for no apparent reason. Gerald assumed perhaps it was food poisoning from the meal they ate at Señor Plucky's a week earlier, but when the vomiting lasted for days, he knew it was more than just that. To make things even worse, his usually-energetic wife was extremely tired all the time and wasn't up to doing, well, anything.

"She probably just has a bug, Ger," Jimmy said calmly. "Nothing to be worried about."

However, it was clear Jimmy's words went in one ear and out the other. "What if she has some rare disease?" Gerald fretted. "I'm not prepared for this! We've only been married for three months!"

And with that, the door swung open, and in came Vanessa. It was clear she had something that was on her mind, that she was itching to get off of her chest. Jimmy tried to read Vanessa's expression, and couldn't tell if she was happy or nervous. Whatever it was, she was more than ready to get it out.

"How was the doctor, babe?" Gerald asked, approaching his wife.

"Gerald, I have some news..." Vanessa said a bit quietly. "You may wanna sit down for this."

Gerald did as told, and his throat went dry. Vanessa stepped forward to grab is hands, and usually this gesture comforted Gerald, but now it just made him more nervous. However, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and Gerald thought perhaps the news wasn't so bad. And Jimmy, who had been sitting at the countertop, leaned forward in anticipation, getting a sneaking suspicion of what Vanessa was about to say.

"Gerald, honey..." Vanessa took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

Gerald said nothing. His mouth just hung open, and his eyes looked like saucers.

"We're having a baby," Vanessa continued. "Edie's gonna be a big sister, you're gonna be a father again..."

And with that, Gerald fainted, falling into Vanessa's arms before he hit the ground.

Jimmy stared at his son wide-eyed for a moment, and then looked at Vanessa, pumping his fists in the air. "I'm gonna be a grandfather again!!"


Gerald's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself laying on his sofa, surrounded by his family members. Vanessa stood to his right, holding Edie in her arms, and Jimmy and Sara stood by the end of the couch, holding hands and smiling. Gerald had somewhat of a recollection of what had happened earlier that day and he quickly shot up, reaching Vanessa's side.

"Vanessa, I had this crazy dream that you were pregnant, and..."

"It's not a dream," Vanessa said softly.

This time, rather than fainting, a wide smile grew on Gerald's face and he pulled Vanessa in for an embrace, hugging her as tightly as he could. He then ruffled Edie's wavy brown hair and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Vanessa, this is the best news we could've gotten..." he murmured.

"And you thought she had some rare disease," Jimmy blurted out from the back, causing Sara to shake her head in amusement.

"Gerald!" Vanessa exclaimed, whacking her husband on the arm.

"I was just worried," Gerald defended himself. "But Vanessa, this is amazing. We have a new little member of our family."

They laughed and shared a sweet kiss as Jimmy and Sara headed over to where they were standing, joining in on the embrace. Each of them were thrilled to meet the newest member of the Kingsley family. Gerald and Vanessa were elated to be able to raise another baby together, this time as a couple. Sara was excited to hug this baby and watch them grow up, and Jimmy couldn't wait to spoil them rotten. None of them knew what was going to happen -- what the gender of the baby would be, or what they would be like. All they knew that this new addition to the family would be so, so loved.

"I still can't believe I've been grandfathered... again," Jimmy quipped.

Here it is, the first chapter of my sequel to Grandfathered: The Continuing Story!! A bit of a short chapter but a nice way to start the next story about these characters. This story is going to be formatted a bit differently than my last one; while my last one was more of a collection of different stories, this one will have one or two overarching storylines.

Hope you enjoy so far and stay tuned for Chapter 2!

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