Oh Baby

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Ok first off, so so SO sorry for such a huge delay!! I've been extremely busy with school and other things, and a big case of writers block that has prevented me from being able to articulate any of my ideas for the longest time. I also kind of lost my footing with this story which kept me from being able to really write anything, but I now have come up with some good ideas that I think will make this story super interesting! Again I am terribly sorry for this astonishingly long break. I hope to be more active now and publish chapters more regularly.

Vanessa was slumped back on the sofa, absorbed in a cheesy soap opera playing on the TV. She and Gerald had moved into a new house after they had gotten married, and Vanessa was adjusting nicely to her new home. She knew it would be just the perfect one for the new baby, and for their family as a whole. And as an added bonus, their house was right next door to Gerald's old home, meaning Sara was right next door.

Vanessa leaned back a bit into the soft cushions and was about to let the sounds of the TV lull her to sleep, when all of a sudden, she felt a larger hand grab at her legs and pick them up rather abruptly.

"What the-" Fearing someone had broken into the house and was trying to kidnap her, Vanessa's fight or flight mode had been activated -- and her instincts chose flight. She snatched a throw pillow -- her only available weapon -- and threw her arm back to give the assailant a piece of her mind, until she looked up and realized who it was.

"Gerald!" Vanessa shrieked, shoving the pillow back down on the couch. "What gives!?"

"Sorry, honey," Gerald said in a rather calm voice despite the chaos that had just ensued. He fluffed up another pillow and gently placed it below Vanessa's feet, adjusting it to make it feel as comfortable as possible for his sweetheart. "I just want you to feel comfy, because, well, you know..." he smiled sheepishly and pointed his chin towards Vanessa's stomach, which was beginning to grow ever so slightly, "the baby."

"Oh, Gerald," Vanessa said, though she was extremely grateful for how thoughtful her husband was being. "No need to bend over backwards for me. I went through the same exact thing four years ago with Edie, you know."

"I know, but we're four years older now, and four years wiser," Gerald rebutted. He bent down and placed a quick but sincere peck on Vanessa's forehead. "I just wanna make sure both my babies are okay." He then picked up his head and began looking around. "Now, what about my other baby, Edie? I brought her something from the store that I think she'll really like."

"Coming Daddy!" a small voice cried out. Gerald turned around and opened his arms, allowing Edie to run right into them.

"Hey, kiddo," Gerald said, ruffling Edie's hair. "I gotcha something at the store you're gonna love."

"Oooh," Vanessa said, trying to make things even more excited for her little toddler.

Gerald placed Edie on the floor and headed on over to the kitchen table, where he grabbed a paper bag that seemed to have a big box inside of it. He pulled the box out, and out came a sweet little baby doll with big, heart-melting eyes and a puffy white diaper. The baby came with a plethora of authentic accessories too, like a bottle and a pacifier. Edie tentatively took a step towards her father, who gently beckoned her to come closer.

"That's not Mommy's new baby, is it, Daddy?" Edie questioned, raising an eyebrow.

A laugh escaped from Gerald's lips. "No, sweetheart," he answered. "But it's like the new baby." He knelt down and placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Being a big sister is a big responsibility, Edie. If you learn how to take care of this baby first, then when your new brother or sister comes along, you'll be a pro. You up for the challenge?"

Edie slowly nodded, her eyes wide and blank as she took the life-size baby doll into her arms.

"So what are you gonna name it, honey?" Vanessa asked.

Edie stared down at her new pseudo-sibling, and suddenly a bright smile appeared on her face. "Big Bird!"

Gerald and Vanessa chuckled, and Gerald tossed a nonchalant glance at his wife. "This shouldn't be too hard," he told her, against his better judgement.


Sunlight streamed through the window of Sara's cozy office at Eagle Rock Therapy Center. It had been a bit of a slow day; a few patients meandered in an out of her office, but all in all, Sara was quite bored with her uneventful shift. Something popped into her mind, and a small half-smile crept across her face as she lifted her phone from its desk and dialed the number of the person who had been crossing her mind all day.

"Hey, Sushi," Jimmy picked up almost right away. "What's up?"

"Mm, nothing," Sara said in a rather drawled out voice. "I just missed you."

"Awww," Jimmy cooed, and Sara could feel him grinning on the other line even though she couldn't see it. "I miss you more." Sara wasn't surprised; she could hear the sounds of camaraderie bustling through Jimmy's restaurant; it was high noon, and the upperclass citizens of Los Angeles were hungry for a bite. She didn't blame them, for her own stomach was grumbling as well, but more so from boredom than anything.

"Your day sounds like it's quite eventful compared to mine," Sara stated.

"You could say that," Jimmy said with a breath as he dodged a chef hurriedly carrying a tray of chicken cordon bleu. "I'm guessing it's the opposite at your place?"

Sara shrugged. "Well, you know Tuesdays are always the slowest."

"Uh huh," Jimmy said a bit shortly, as though he were distracted by something. He then turned back to his phone, saying in a bit of a raised voice, "Sorry, hon, I gotta go. They're locking the new chefs in the freezer again. Victor!!"

Sara sighed and slumped her shoulders. She couldn't even talk to Jimmy now, although saving a new chef from turning into an icicle was rather important, she supposed.

Just then, a light knock on her door caused Sara to lift her head up. In walked Elsie, her coworker and one of her best friends. Elsie seemed to have a knowing, but warm smile on her face.

"Elsie," Sara said with a smile.

"Sara, there's someone I want you to meet," Elsie said. "His name is Brian, and he's our new coworker." Elsie stepped to the side and gestured for Brian to come in. And in stepped Brian, a man around Sara's age with salt-and-pepper hair and hazel eyes. Hazel eyes that Sara instantly realized she had locked gazes with dozens of times before. And when Brian flashed a lopsided smile, Sara knew right then and there who it was.

"Brian!" she gasped, a bit taken aback, though not in a bad way. She was just surprised to see him after all these years, in this setting of all places, and her lifted eyebrows and hung-open jaw indicated this.

"Sara," Brian replied with a small chuckle. "It's been a while."

"It seems like you two have already met," Elsie said sheepishly, her eyes darting back and forth between the other two therapists.

"That would be an understatement," Brian replied, to which Sara laughed a bit dryly.

"You see, Elsie," Sara added, turning to her friend. "Brian and I dated all throughout high school."

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