Caught in the Act

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"I just can't believe Jimmy and Sara broke up!" Vanessa wailed, her mood swings building up more than ever. She had never been this moody, and for this long, even when she was pregnant with Edie.

"I can't either, honey," Gerald murmured, wrapping his arm around his sobbing wife and gently stroking her shoulder with his thumb. When he found out a year and a half ago that his parents were officially together, he felt over the moon. It was already spectacular enough to have gotten to meet his long-lost father, but to have his parents get together again seemed too good to be true. Guess it really was, Gerald thought.

"I can't either," muttered a third voice. Gerald and Vanessa averted their gaze to Jimmy, who was slumped on the couch sloppily devouring a bucket of cookie dough ice cream.

Jimmy had been at his lowest for the past week and a half. Being dumped by the woman he loved and hoped to spend the rest of his life with was painful enough, but it felt worse to know that this could have all been prevented. He had overreacted after seeing that picture of Sara and Brian, and he knew it. He let his insecurities trick his mind into believing Sara would lose her love for him, despite the fact that he knew how much she cherished him. But how could he face her now, after making such a complete and utter fool of himself?

"I'm really getting worried about you, Dad," Gerald admitted, his brows furrowing. "I've never seen you so depressed. I mean, you haven't even listened to Sinatra in days."

"I can't," Jimmy lamented. "Not without thinking of her."

"Oh, it's just so tragically romantic!" Vanessa exclaimed as another rush of sobs overcame her.

"Dad, I know you're sad, and I understand that," Gerald said gently, turning towards his father. "Anyone in your situation would be, and it's okay to feel the way you do. But you can't let it ruin you. I mean, you're literally growing stubble." Jimmy's eyes widened and his hand flew to his cheek, which felt much rougher than usual. "Dad, you need to get your life back to normal. If you don't then your business is gonna suffer, and even worse, you're gonna suffer...mentally, physically, and emotionally," Gerald continued. "I don't like seeing you like this. You'll never feel better unless you get up and do something, and make some changes." With this, Gerald smiled encouragingly. "I'll help you, if you want."

Jimmy glanced up, and Gerald knew he had successfully broken some barriers that his father had built up in the past week and a half. But there was still some uncertainty laced in his eyes.

"Come on, Dad," Gerald said a bit pleadingly, but with a tender demeanor. "Do it for your future grandchild. Y'know, today we're going to the doctors to find out if it's a grandson or a granddaughter."

Jimmy pondered over Gerald's speech for a few moments, and the excited grin that made its way across Gerald's face was what won Jimmy over. "Oh, alright," Jimmy replied, smiling a genuine smile for the first time in days.

"Great!" Gerald said brightly, perking up. "So, what are you gonna do first?"

Jimmy jumped up from his seat and a determined look crossed his face. "I'm gonna go win your mother back," he declared.

Gerald and Vanessa exchanged shocked glances. Gerald opened his mouth to object, but before he could even get a word out, his father was already out the door.

"Oh, it's like a beautiful fanfiction!" Vanessa cried out, burying her face in Gerald's chest.


Jimmy ran on back to his apartment and slipped into his best outfit. He combed his hair, and made sure to shave his face so it was extra clean. He then ran to the florists and bought a bouquet of pink tulips; they were Sara's favorite. He wrote a little note inside, but despite it's small size, he poured his love into it. He then drove on over to Eagle Rock and as he made his way into the parking lot, he suddenly felt very queasy.

"Come on, Jimmy," he murmured to himself, trying as best as he could to ignore the knot that was twisting up in his stomach. "You can do this."

Meanwhile, Sara was sitting in her office doing some work on her computer when Brian came in, his hands wrung tightly and his eyes widened with fright. "Hey, um, Sara," he stammered. "Could I... talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure," Sara replied, turning away from her work. "What's up?"

Brian slowly sat down in the chair across from Sara's desk and leaned forward, his body stiff with nervousness. He took a deep breath. "I've... been doing some thinking," he said slowly and carefully, "And... I think Jimmy's right. I... I do like you, Sara. You're kind, smart, witty... and I know I shouldn't be dropping this on you so soon after your breakup, but I just had to let you know."

Sara sat there silently for a second, taking in everything that she had just heard. So it was true. Brian did like her. Her instincts were right, and maybe Jimmy's were, too. It still wasn't right of Jimmy to accuse her, and Sara knew she would absolutely have never let it get in the way of her relationship, but it seemed both she and Jimmy had been onto something.

"I appreciate your kind words, Brian," Sara said, gingerly piecing together what she wanted to say. "But... I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual. It's just too soon after my breakup with Jimmy, and honestly, I think I see you just more as a friend." Sara smiled wistfully. "We were great for each other back in high school, but we were just kids. We're completely different people now."

Brian heaved a sigh and looked down toward the floor. "I'm sorry, Sara, I shouldn't have told you this."

Sara gave him a warm and genuine smile. "No, I understand," she said truthfully. She then sobered up, but there was still optimism in her voice. "But I think our relationship needs to be a bit different now. We can still be great friends, but I think that's all it should be, at least for now."

Brian gave a resigned smile. "You're right. Thanks, Sara."

The two of them rose to their feet and slowly walked to the door. But as Brian reached the door, the two of them locked eyes, and their lips locked together for a couple seconds. There was no romantic feeling, at least not on Sara's end. As they drew back and looked into each other's eyes again, they both knew that the kiss had been a symbol of closure, representing the end of one phase of their relationship and the beginning of another.

However, it was at this time when Jimmy had made his way to Sara's office, and the sight that he got a glimpse of through the window of Sara's door threw him for a loop.

Sara and Brian had kissed.

Jimmy took a step back and clutched his stomach. It seemed he and Sara were really done for after all. She had already moved onto someone else after just over a week. If that was the case, which was what it looked exactly like to Jimmy, then it seemed she really didn't love him anymore after all, and there was no hope of winning her back.

Jimmy backed up from the door so that nobody would see him, and he leaned against the wall as the world seemed to swirl around him. The shock of the situation sucked out all the consciousness in his body, and soon he didn't even realize what he was doing; his body was just taking him somewhere. He didn't even feel the tear that slipped down his cheek as he turned away and sped out the door, nor did he realize that a bouquet of pink tulips had fallen onto the floor right by the entrance to Sara's office.

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