Dealing With Stalkers (And Cheaters) 101

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The two boys sprinted out of the school building and started running down the streets of their hometown as they searched for Yuuta's house.

Saito: "What's the deal here?"

Y/n: "Natsuha Shinomiya. Daughter of a wealthy businessman. Apparently she didn't take very kindly to her father finding out about her disloyalty."

Saito: "Mom always taught me never to hit a woman... Buuuut we all know that's bullshit. Equal rights, equal fights."

Y/n nodded as the two approached the street that Yuuta lived on. They knew which house was his on account of the girl standing outside yelling at him.

Saito: "Imma go whip some ass."

Y/n: "Hold."

Y/n put a hand on Saito's shoulder as he saw Himawari walking over.

Himawari: "Yo. Take it you're here about this chick not letting a guy leave his house?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Her name's Natsuha Shinomiya."

Himawari: "I know. Reason I'm so late is cuz I just got off the phone with her pops. I explained the situation to him and he said he'll talk to her at the station."

Y/n: "Then we do this without roughing her up?"

Himawari: "That's the idea. You boys go take her down and I'll bring the car around."

Y/n: "Bet. Saito, flank round and take that side. I'll approach directly at confront her from this side. All goes well we can just walk her to the car. If shit goes sideways, then we knock her out without doing too much damage."

Saito nodded before he walked over to the next street and made his way round. Himawari walked back to her car and Y/n started making his way up the street. Once he saw Saito in position, he called out to Natsuha.

Y/n: "Oi! You got some kinda business here?"

Natsuha turned to him and he saw that she had a kitchen knife in her right hand.

Natsuha: "Who are you? Nevermind, this doesn't concern you, so go away."

Y/n: "I'd think it does concern me considering you have one of my schoolmates trapped in his house while you're out here yelling at him with a goddamn knife in your hands!"

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Y/n: "I'd think it does concern me considering you have one of my schoolmates trapped in his house while you're out here yelling at him with a goddamn knife in your hands!"

Natsuha frowned as she saw the clear hostility in Y/n's eyes, clearly he wasn't going to listen to her.

Natsuha: "What do you want?"

Y/n: "I'm one of Yuuta's classmates. He's already called the cops, so what's gonna happen is you're gonna come with me and give yourself up to the authorities, otherwise Imma come over there and clock you in the jaw."

Natsuha: "Y- Yuuta called the police on me!?"

Y/n's eyes were steely as he saw Saito moving closer to her, he also heard the car pulling up down the street and it was clear that Natsuha could see it.

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