Gyaru Gangup

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Y/n was used to dealing with the many, many, many, many, MANY quirks of his classmates and the fact that a good portion of them were AGGRESSIVELY horny. However tutoring was also something he was used to. He had helped Kyouka with her English after all. However the quintuplets seemed especially stubborn to not cooperate. Whilst he had his method to help them without the need for them to study extensively, he did find their extremely short attention-span slightly irritating.

Fuutaro kept trying to explain that the two were going to tutor them in different fields. As he was more academically inclined, Fuutaro would handle English, math and science. Whilst Y/n was going to handle things like history, music and geography.

Internally Y/n rolled his eyes as all he needed to do was just show the quintuplets how to find cheat methods that wouldn't get them caught out in tests. However as Fuutaro spoke, he found that only Yotsuba was paying any attention to what he was saying, though he could tell her mind was wandering to literally any other topic.

He sighed before speaking up.

Y/n: "Uesugi. Let me handle this. They're not even paying attention."

Uesugi suddenly felt nervous as Y/n stood up from his seat.

Y/n: "Okay, first thing's first here. You lot need to learn to actually fucking listen to other people."

Ichika: "Yeah, thing with that is... Why?"

Y/n: "Cuz if you don't then I swear to whatever god you pray to, I will deliver true gender equality and boot you in the side of the head. So here's what's going to happen. You five are going to pay attention during these tutoring sessions. You're going to make notes where appropriate. Ask questions when you don't understand something. Most importantly, you're going to utilise the fact that when dealing with me, we're in the same class and you can ask literally anyone in that class for help if you're struggling."

Nino: "I mean, no offense, but you guys all seem like dumbasses."

Y/n: "I mean you seem to fit in with our class better than your sisters, that's for sure."

Both Itsuki and Ichika had to hide their faces to laugh while Y/n kept a serious expression.

Y/n: "Now then. While Fuckhead here is gonna be tutoring you guys in the more academic side of things, you can ask me the same questions and I can dumb it down. Trust me, I tutored Kyouka."

Fuutaro: "How she got an eighty-seven in that English test is beyond me."

Y/n: "I'm just that good."

Itsuki: "What is that Kyouka girl's deal anyway? She always seems super horned up."

Y/n: "Probably because she is. Contrary to popular belief, she's still a virgin. She just gives blowies in the out of order bathrooms."


Y/n: "She's got specific standards for who actually gets to get to third base with her. She used to date a lot of guys back in first and second year, but as soon as she hit eighteen she ditched the pretence and just started suckin' dick for money."

Fuutaro: "I- Is that really appropriate, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Half of the shit that happens in my class ain't appropriate, bumble fuck."

Fuutaro: "Can't exactly argue there. I've heard you and Yamaguchi went around beating the hell out of some guys in the school."

Y/n: "Oh yeah. Those guys. Yeah that ain't even rumour. Saito heard that those guys were getting girls to cheat on their boyfriends with 'em. So he and I went around and decided to pay 'em a beating. Neither of us condone NTR, especially not him since he's been cheated on."

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