When They Realize Their Feelings

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When he saw how much you loved the Creek as much as him


When you would trade him and his friends snacks for nothing especially if it meant cheering someone up from a bad day


When she saw how cool you were and that you two had a lot in common


He likes that you're calm like him but you're smart and creative like Craig with more than cardboard


When she saw just because you are a rough houser like Kelsey doesn't mean you can't be sweet and kind other times but she mostly likes that you like her for who she is rather than her money


He realized he liked you when he saw how different you were from everyone else and how you were willing to stay with him and help protect the overpass


When she saw how much you liked horses and how much you always try to make her smile


He liked you when he saw how different you were and that you genuinely enjoy being his friend even if you don't obey him


She liked you when she saw how you like her for herself and how cool you are

Sparkle Cadet:

She likes that you are just as hyper and can be just as sparkly as her and how you always want to help her


She realized she liked you when she noticed how often you go out if your way for her


When she saw how much you loved books as much as she does


When he realized you are hanging out with him because you want to and not doing it out of fear or annoyance because he is a scout

Secret Kid:

When he saw how you want to always help him and give him someone to talk to about his own secrets so he doesn't feel overwhelmed


When he saw how kind and different you were from your brother


When he saw you genuinely wanna he his friend and are nice to him despite being from different areas of the Creek

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