Other Sider ~ Maya

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Pairing: Maya X Creek Fem Reader

Requested By: No One
Y/N: Your Name

One morning as you are walking you soon get stopped by a boy dressed as an acorn.

"Halt! Who are you?" The boy asks.

"Um who are you?" You ask nervously.

"That's not any of your business. Who are you?" The boy asks sternly.

"Um Y/N." You say nervously.

"You're under arrest. I'm sure the King will want to know of a new kid." The boy says.

"Arrest? But I didn't do anything." You say in alarm.

"Come with me. Hey! Come back here!" The boy shouts as you take off running.

"Not a chance." You say before quickly hiding on a ledge behind a bolder.

"Where'd she go?" The boy asks as he looks around.

"What are you doing?" A voice asks revealing to be a girl with a purple bat.

"Oh Maya! I um I'm just looking for this girl I saw. She went through here." The boy says nervously.

"What girl? I didn't see any girl." Maya says.

"But I-" The boy says.

"Get back to your post. I'm sure the King wouldn't be happy to hear you're out here." Maya says.

"Yes ma'am." The boy says before he leaves.

"He's gone. You can come out. I know you're there... Ugh. Look I won't hurt you. The King is gone today anyway so there is no point taking a prisoner." Maya says as you nervous come out of hiding

"Why did you help me?" You ask.

"I just said why." Maya says.

"But you are clearly with them. You have no reason to help me." You say confusedly.

"I'm not always cold hearted. You're from the other side. I saw you with map boy's group once." Maya says.

"I do run with them yes. I normally run with my herd." You say.

"Herd?" Maya asks curiously.

"I'm part of the Horse Girls." You say happily.

"Why are you put here? I'm sure you know the danger." Maya says as she looks at you.

"I just came to drop off some candy. I have a friend who lives out here. He was my best friend but we got into a fight this morning." You say sadly.

"Why?" Maya asks curiously.

"He thinks I'm a traitor for never visiting him as much as I used to. I can't help that I live away from him." You say as you rub your arm.

"I understand. I used to be best friends with someone before a nasty fight myself. My advice find a better friend." Maya says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Trust me. I already got better friends than him... Hey you want this candy? It's limited edition candy coated chocolate." You say as you hand Maya a small box.

"Why are you giving it to me?" Maya asks curiously.

"Well you seem nice and you did save me when you didn't have to." You say as you smile kindly.

"You are more naive then you look but alright. I'll take it. Wow! This brand is really hard to get ahold of. How'd you get it?' Maya asks as she looks at the box.

"A lot of online searching. I do got a friend who was able to help get it." You say happily.

"Thanks... You really shouldn't come back here. It's not safe. Especially not for someone like you." Maya says as she looks at you.

"I see why. Thank you again. Maybe we can talk again?" You ask curiously.

"We'll see. For now just get back home." Maya says as you nod.

"Thank you." You say before leaving.

*Timeskip To After Capture The Flag Event*

"Thanks Y/N. Glad to see you back again." Kit says as he hands you two chocorolls.

"You too Kit." You say before walking away.

"Hey Y/N wanna hang out with us?" Raj asks as he and Shawn walk up to you.

"Yeah. We are gonna head back to the Candy Bar." Shawn says.

"Sorry guys. I got my own plans." You say kindly.

"Suut yourself." Shawn says.

"Come by soon though. It would be amazing have some horse girls visit." Raj says as he and Shawn walk off.

"I will. Huh?" You ask feeling like you are being watched before shrugging it off.


"I better eat these quick. Don't wanna hear it from MacKenzie once I am in the meadow. Huh? Okay who is there!? I can feel you watching me." You say as you stop feeling like you are being watched again

"Hey Y/N." A voice says revealing to be Maya.

"Maya? I haven't seen you since the game." You say as you rub your arm.

"Yeah..." Maya says as she looks down.

"Are you okay?" You ask curiously.

"No I'm not okay! I lost my title, coolness, everything! I lost everything because of that stupid game." Maya says angrily.

"Oh Maya." You say sympathetically.

"I don't need your pity. You're just like Omar. You only think of yourself." Maya says angrily.

"No Maya. I don't just think of myself... Omar told me what happened. I'm sorry." You say.

"It doesn't matter. We lost. I lost." Maya says as she looks down.

"You might have lost the game but that doesn't mean you are not still you." You say.

"Yeah. Right. I'm just a loser again." Maya says sadly.

"You're not a loser. At least I never thought so." You say while blushing.

"Huh?" Maya asks.

"To be honest I really like you. I have ever since we met. I just thought you were too cool for me." You say shyly.

"You feel that way toward me?" Maya asks in surprise.

"Yeah... Listen Maya you can't change all the horrible stuff you did because of Xavier but you can change how you behave in the future. Just because the past summers were a waste doesn't mean this one has to be." You say as you smile.

"They won't accept me." Maya says as she looks at you.

"With time they will. Just like I do." You say as you smile reassuringly.

"Are you certain you want to be with me? You will look bad." Maya says as she smiles.

"No I won't. Being cool doesn't matter around here. It's who you are that counts and what kind of friend you choose to be. And besides I think you're the coolest anyway." You say happily.

"Thanks Y/N. So you were headed to the meadow? Could I come? I'd really like to accompany you." Maya says shyly.

"I'd love that. You'd have to put up with MacKenzie though and she can be pretty harsh to non-horses." You say as you chuckle slightly before Maya gently takes your hand.

"Can't be any worse than Xavier." Maya says as she smiles causing you to smile.

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