Just Trying To Protect You ~ Jason

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Pairing: Jason X Fem Reader

Requested By: No One
Y/N: Your Name

"This Creek is amazing." Keun says as he is with you and Jackie at the playground.

"Yeah. Glad we finally get to play how we want." Jackie says.

"It's not too bad. Definitely different." You say as you ate swinging on a swing.

"Hey! No going down the slide on your stomach!" A voice shouts as the group sees a blonde boy yelling at other kids.

"Who's that kid?" Keun asks.

"Looks like the acorn kid that the King let in the group before he was dethroned." Jackie says.

"He is. Certainly loud too. Don't remember the kid's name." Alexis says.

"That's just Jason. He's a Junior Forest Scout. Looks like Boris and Tony aren't with him today." A voice says revealing to be Craig, Kelsey, and J.P..

"Why can't they just let kids play how they want?" J.P. asks.

"They always do this." Kelsey says.

"Oh hey Craig, J.P., Kelsey." You, Jackie, and Keun say in union.

"Hi Y/N, Jackie, Keun. Enjoying the playground?" Craig asks as he smiles.

"We were until thet loud mouth kid started yelling at others." Jackie says as he gestures to Jason.

"I'll go talk to him." Craig says before you stop him.

"No need Craig. Observe." You say as you point to the other kids yelling at Jason causing him to run off.

"Serves him right. He has to learn to stop being so bossy. It's okay to try to protect kids and the Creek but bossing us around isn't the way to do it." Craig says.

"Yeah. Those Forest Scouts are always acting much higher and mightier than they actually are." Kelsey says before you begin to walk away.

"Where you going Y/N?" J.P. asks.

"Oh just for a walk." You say calmly.

"Y/N if you're going to look for Jason then don't. He isn't worth messing with on this. He'll settle down eventually." Craig says.

"I know what I'm doing Craig. Trust me on that." You say before walking off.


Later as you are walking you hear sniffling and follow the sound before finding Jason sitting on a log.

"Hey." You say kindly.

"Who are you and what do you want?' Jason asks as he looks at you.

"Easy. Can't a person just say hello?" You ask.

"Wait a minute. I know you. You're the Black Widow. You were one of the King's champions." Jason says.

"Hmm. So you know me?" You ask as you smile.

"How can't I? You're one of the coolest kids on the other side." Jason says.

"So you're Jason right?" You ask.

"Yeah. Why?" Jason asks cautiously.

"Just curious. May I sit?" You ask as you gesture to the log.

"I guess." Jason says as he scoots over.

"Thanks." You say kindly before sitting down.

"So if I can ask why do they call you the Black Widow? That's a type of spider." Jason says.

"Well just like the Black Widow I'm beautiful and pretty dangerous. By dangerous I'm just really fast and good fighter with a bow. Kind of an inspiration from the Green Poncho after fighting him once. Though the beautiful part I don't see. Anyway I'm Y/N." You say kindly.

"Nice to meet you." Jason says as he looks down.

"You know I think it's pretty cool how you went undercover to help your friends beat the King." You say as you smile.

"Please. I'm not cool. Not like you. And I don't have any friends. Least none that are outside my group." Jason says annoyedly.

"Well I thought it was cool and pretty brave. Not sure I'd do something like that." You say.

"Why are you here? Nobody ever talks to me unless they want something." Jason says as he looks at you.

"I came because you looked like you needed a friend. Why do you let those kids hurt you this way? From the sounds of it you just wanna try and help." You ask curiously.

"Exactly! But they never listen to me or seem to want my help." Jason says annoyedly.

"Well that might be because of how you approach them." You say.

"What do you mean?" Jason asks as he looks at you.

"I've been observing you since I first met you. I notice you come off demanding when you try to get kids to not do something. I will admit some things you could lay off on but some things you are correct to speak up about. Like the slide incident. Some kid could have gotten hurt. But where you come off demanding the kids are of course not gonna wanna listen to you." You say.

"What am I supposed to do? Ask nicely?" Jason asks annoyedly.

"Yes. If you ask kindly then some will listen and some... well some may need to learn the hard way. Point is you'll get more people will listen when they don't think you're acting like their parent and instead you act like a concerned friend." You say kindly.

"Who would listen if I did that? No one would." Jason says annoyedly.

"I would." You say kindly before Jason sighs.

"Y/N why did you come out here?" Jason asks as he looks down.

"What do you mean?" You ask curiously.

"You don't know me and yet you're this willing to help me. Why? No one has ever been this nice to me before. What do you want?" Jason asks cautiously.

"I'd settle for getting to know you better and being your friend. I like you." You say kindly as you smile.

"Why? I'm nothing special. I'm not cool like you. I'm just a know-it-all nobody far as many of the kids here are concerned." Jason says sadly as you place your hand on his.

"Well I feel differently. I've wanted to get to know you since I first met you. To be honest I think I knew you were undercover but I guess because I liked that I went against my judgment to rat you out. I would never have done that. That's really brave to me. You might not be strong or the smartest kid here but you are you. No one is perfect. Yeah you could stand to back off some but I think I can help with that." You say kindly before standing up.

"How?" Jason asks as he looks at you.

"Let's just say I have little issue in getting people's attention. I wasn't nicknamed the Black Widow for nothing you know. But in turn I would very much like the chance to be your friend and get to know you. Is that alright?" You ask kindly.

"Are you sure you're alright with being my friend? I'm not exactly well liked." Jason says as he stands up rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll take my chances. Besides you're too cute for me to not want to act." You say as you smile causing Jason to blush.

"O-Okay then. Y-You have a deal." Jason says shyly.

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