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He loves PDA and enjoys showing you off to others but does have moments when he likes it to be private with only you and him


He likes PDA but is shy about it and prefers it to be the two of you


She likes it and is not afraid to show you off at all


He likes PDA and takes pride in showing others you are his and enjoys doing things to make you smile and blush by being a gentleman


She loves PDA and tries to act like a power couple with you when you let her but if she notices you are get uncomfortable she will back off and do things in private with you


Isn't too fond of PDA but enjoys your moments alone


She likes it and enjoys doing it with you


He loves PDA and will take every chance to show you off


She enjoys it but rather it be private as she doesn't want people to think she has gone soft

Sparkle Cadet:

She loves PDA and will do it every chance you give her


She likes PDA but rather it be private as she is most of the time busy running her business


She likes it and enjoys that she can make you happy with PDA


He likes it is very shy about it

Secret Kid:

He enjoys it and enjoys being a gentleman to you about it


He is shy about it but will still show it every chance he can get the courage to


He likes PDA and loves showing you off and is very protective of you

Keun Sup:

He enjoys it and enjoys showing you off. He enjoys proudly showing you are together and seeing you smile at his actions. But he isn't opposed to it being in private too when you ask for it to be private

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