Chapter 1

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"I'll give you 20 to drink the whole thing." I stared at the drink in front of me. Through the clear glass I can see some pieces of hotdog that didn't get blended properly. Jaden wrapped his long fingers around the glass and pushed it towards me, as if it wasn't already in front of me. I leaned in more to get a clearer look at the monster drink in front of me and a smell quickly took over my nose. Sardines and banana. Which isn't even half of what's in this.

"Half." I tried bargain with him. "10."

"No, I'll drink half for 20." I gulped as I stared at the drink intensely. Who even comes up with ideas like?

"You're lucky that I'm even paying you in the first place. Drink it for 15 or I'll shove the whole thing down your throat." I hesitated to agree even though wouldn't he even hesitate to do what he just said.

I don't even know how I got wrapped up into this mess in the first place but apparently, Jaden had this whole drink prepared and was waiting for the first person to come down the stairs to be his victim. I happened to be the one out of the other 3.

I nervously smiled at him while my hands grew sweaty around the cup. The way my eyes kept glancing up at him and down at the cup, and how jittery I was, you'd think I'm mental. Every time I looked back up at him, he stood there. With his arms crossed, eyes big and hopeful, waiting for me to take a sip of this. Not even a sip, I need to drink the whole thing!

He placed his hand over mines and picked it off the table. Step one: Done.

"Hurry up. I got things to do." he pulled his phone out of his, getting his camera ready. I set the cup down again which cause him to grit his teeth.

"So do I. It'll benefit both of us if you let me go do my thing and you do yours." I took a step away from the counter. "We can forget this even happened." I smiled at him.

"See now, you could've just earned an easy $20." He sighed deeply and stretched his body as if he just woke up. "Get over here."

"Come on, I have a soccer game and I don't want my stomach to hurt." I complain. Maybe I can escape through the front door. It shouldn't be hard if I could run fast enough. He won't follow me out since he's in a tank top and doesn't have any sunscreen. He's such a dick when it comes to his skin.

"It's not gonna hurt. This is a nutritious drink." I scoff. Is he serious right now?

He grabs my forearm and pulls me closer to the counter and I instantly start to panic. I cannot drink that.

Just then a loud voice came from the stairs. "Let's go before I'm late!" My Dad came down with my little brother, Noah tagging behind him. Just what I needed.

I looked at Jaden and saw him slump down into a chair and roll his eyes, all while still holding me. He knows he can't get me anymore. But once he see who's right behind my Dad, his eyes lit up. Poor Noah.

"Uh- I have to umm..." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "I have a soccer game." I told him and glanced down at his grip on my wrist.


"My hand. You need to let go." I say in a strained voice since he's making his grip tighter purposefully. He holds it up and looks at it like it's a trophy. "Oh this?" he smirks. I nod desperately as I feel my blood flow cut off to my fingers.

He holds it tighter for a few seconds which feels like minutes to me. I gasp and claw at his hand to make him let go. "Jaden please, stop."

"Why should I? I'm helping you warm up." he says in a all too cheerful voice.

"I don't use my...h-hands." I pull again at his hand.

"I'm gonna be late Micheal let's go." my Dad says as he walks into the kitchen and looks for his briefcase. I don't know how he even plans to find it since he's engrossed in his phone.

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