Chapter 3

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"You guys said you were just getting kimchi. What the hell happened!?" Mr. Martin startled us with his yelling. Actually, maybe just me. Nolan seemed ashamed of our actions, and I seemed shocked. I never heard him yell, ever. I only ever experienced his sweet, kind side.  He never raised his voice at us- me. At me. He's ever so strict on all the mischievous activities we do. Maybe it's the price we pay for upsetting his sweet princess daughter. Even a blind eye will be able to realize that he definitely has a favorite.

"Do you even realize the type of ruckus you caused? The manager of the damn store had to call me." He exasperated. We were sitting in Nolan's room, while he scolded us. I know after this he's going to try and bring me home and I really don't want to. Maybe if Mom was home, I could delay my fate.

"So you guys have nothing to say?" We stayed silent. "Nothing at all?"

"Je ne sais pas quoi faire de vous les gars!" He sighed heavily and then pointed at Nolan. Whenever they switch languages around me I feel super awkward. It feels like they purposely did it so I can't understand them which leads me to conclude that they talking about me or don't want me to know what their saying. I'm probably just overthink a lot but I can't shake that feeling off. Plus I do know a little bit of french. I'm not all that clueless.

"Vous particulièrement. Vous savez mieux ne pas entraîner les gens dans vos actes ridicules."
(T: I don't know what the hell to do with you guys! Especially you. You know better than to drag people into your ridiculous acts.)

Nolan opened his mouth to say something but was cut off. "No! I don't want to hear any ridiculous excuse you have this time." But he just asked us what do we have to say?

"I don't know what is going on with you guys, but I don't EVER want to hear about anything like this again. D'accord!?" He said strictly. I felt myself holding my breath.

"Oui." "Yes" We mumbled.

"I'm bringing you home Micheal. Let's go." And with that he stormed out the room. He was horribly mad. I could see the stress on his forehead when he was talking to us. One thing was learned for sure, don't mess with his princess.

I quickly said goodbye to my friend and hurried down the steps and into the driveway. I was about to enter through the back when someone grabbed my arm whispering "C'mere" in my ear. I didn't take me a minute to realize it was none other than my older brother.

"No." I whined. He can't bring me home. I'll die if he does.

He picked up his pace leading me towards his car. "Slow down, your hurting me." I kept pulling against him but everytime he just pulled me closer. "Good." he said lowly which let me know he was fuming. When he's mad he's eerily calm and in control of his movements. He's not crazy and blinded by anger.

"Hey!" Mr. Martin yelled behind us. Thank you God, I thought happily. That didn't stop Jaden from slowing down though, until he screamed his name a second time.

He spun around and said as politely as possible "Yes?" Gosh he's such a two face.

"I'm bringing him home." Mr. Martin said looking back his car, probably checking to see if someone was there. Their neighborhood was pretty calm and quiet but we walked three houses down already to get to Jaden's car, so we were a good distance away from his house.

"It's fine I got him, we have to go pick something up for my Mom." he lied through his teeth. He never run errands for my mom, heck he doesn't do anything helpful for anyone.

"Really?" He gave me a questioning look and I did a subtle shake of my head, pleading him to take me home with my eyes. He caught on and thankfully he saved me from death. But not for long. He's gonna hunt me down like his prey.

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