Chapter 5

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I can't stop thinking about the video. Everyone must've seen it. It's my fault partially also. Why the hell do I save everyone's number? I barely even speak to some of the people in my contacts yet I still have a contact reserved for them. Those are the people that will definitely send the video around to everyone they know. Oh my, I am fucked.

My mind has been going insane for the past 3 hours. I trapped myself in Noah's room after I cleaned the Snakes bathroom. I let his toothbrush have a little bath in toilet while I did. What made me even more worried was that the video was sent to freaking Noah! Not that I care, we've both been through way worse from that devil. It means that he was literal with his threat. Never had he ever actually gone through with a threat that large. But there's a first time for everything, and I definitely learned my lesson this time.

Elijah, another one of my wretched siblings, bursted through the door and instantly unplugged Noah's TV. Not even a knock or hey?

"EJ!!!" Noah shrieked as he ran out the room and down the stairs, most likely to snitch. My older siblings have tried to teach him the consequences of snitching but he doesn't understand. Or maybe he does and just doesn't care. Either way it wouldn't matter, he's the baby of the family and I think you could guess how that goes.

"He never learns." He scoffed as he closed the door behind him and started stalking towards me. "What?" I asked as I stayed in my position, leaning over the bed as I fidgeted with a puzzle game.

"You going to school tomorrow?" He asked the question that I had already thought out. I had skipped lunch earlier which wasn't planned or anything, my worried mind didn't give me the appetite to eat anything. I'm planning on skipping dinner and go to bed early so that my parents get the hint that I'm "sick". Hopefully it can last at least two day because I need an insight on how school is before I go back. Once Nolan gets back from school tomorrow, he'll let me know what's going on so I can plan on handling it.

I shook my head as I smiled. "That hellhole won't be seeing me." EJ plopped down on the bed, landing on the puzzle I was making. The stupid puzzle I worked on for the past two hours was destroyed by him. I had no interest in the game, but him destroying it with no second thought or care in the world angered me. "You fat asshole." I shrieked at him and tackled him off the bed. "What is wrong with you?!"

He just laughed as I tried hitting him. Am I joke to him? "It's just a puzzle, are you good?"

I rolled my eyes and grumbled as I started towards my room. "Fine! Come back." I turned around as he opened his arms for me. "I'm sorry." His face looked genuine, even though he still had goofiness stirring in his eyes. "Cmon. I thought you loved me."

"Never" I mumbled as I walked over into his arms. Once I did he wrapped me into them and only then did I realize how much I needed it. He rubbed my back as I struggled to keep my tears in again. I hated thinking about it. I don't want to see the video. I don't want anyone seeing it. But it's too late. I started the damage and he finished me off.

"I hate him." my voice quavered as I released my thoughts. "Don't we all?" Ej snickered. I pulled back from the hug as I decided to get advice from him. "How do I go back to school?"

"Honestly no idea. But if you don't want them to make a big deal out of it do the same. Go on with your day like nothing happened and wait till someone says something." He said wisely.

"And when they do." I said adding the when because I know something will be said. The kids in my school are very mean and petty. "Hit them." He replied like it was nothing. I smiled as I thought I had it figured out when I remembered what Mama had said earlier. "What?" he asked as he scanned my face of the bruise it had.

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