Chapter 4

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I never knew I could ever hate someone this much. I thought the amount of anger I had in me was limited, but no it is not. Right now, my whole body's heated and I can't even breathe properly. My nose is tingly and even though my body wants to rage as much as possible, all I feel is tears trying to push through. I don't understand why my first instinct is to tear up EVERY time I'm upset or mad at something. It makes me feel like a complete idiot that can't control how I feel.

It's the afternoon after the whole thing with Jaden blew up yesterday in the kitchen. He actually did listen to what Papa said about getting "revenge" (even though it was me getting my revenge). He came back this morning after cooling down. No idea where he spent his night, but that's not even important right now. He's been giving me looks and staring at me all morning. And it wasn't just "normal looking", he was looking at me like he was planning on how to kill me!

I do not feel safe in the same house with him, because so far everything has been pissing him off today. One more wrong thing and I'm totally getting my ass beat. It's not like either of us can go anywhere. It's raining first off and I'm grounded. All I can do now is read books but that won't help me calm down. Neither will it help him. It's only 1pm now so I know once he does get bored enough, he's coming for me.

One way I could keep myself from getting bored and staying mad is with Noah. He's my only go to person in this house.

Tiptoeing down the stairs, I planned to find my person and bring him to the safety of my room before something unwanted happens. No one was in the living room so I directed myself into the kitchen where Mom was reading a book and eating a salad. I can't ever understand why she willingly eats a salad when there's chips and soda in the pantry.

"Mama?" I asked as I sit beside her. "Yes love?"

"Where's Noah? I haven't seen him since breakfast."

"He's at a friends house." She gave me a quick answer, and I noticed how intrigued she was with the book she's reading called 'After I do'.

Welp, there goes my last hope and source of entertainment.

"Oh..We'll then there's nothing to do in this house. And before you ask, yes I did all my homework."

"So you should know what I'll say next, read a book." She laughed lightly while adding more dressing to her salad. "But I'm not in the mood for that." I whined to her. Maybe if I annoy her enough, she'll at least give me my phone back.

"Then take a nap, or color, or better yet clean up that crazy room of yours."

"But my room isn't that bad." I groaned. Compared to my siblings, I'll admit that I have the cleanest room. Well, that's only when Hailey leaves her a mess.

"But it could be better." She clicked her tongue. "You want?" She held a forkful of salad in my face. I scrunched up my face in utter disgust as I turned my head the opposite direction. She knows I absolutely despise veggies.

"Mama, can I at least have my iPad? Please? I promise I'll give it back later."

"Nope." She replied, popping the P. "Mama..." I continued to whine. "Nuh-uh Mike, you're grounded for a month and it's staying like that. If you behave, I'll cut it a week short. Maybe two."

My eyes lit up at that. "Really!? You promise?" I held out my pinky finger. Most people call it babyish, but I take my pinky promise very seriously. If someone were to break my pinky promise, they basically just broke all my trust for them.

"Yes, I promise you munchkin." She warmly smiled at me, and interlocked our fingers. "But that's only if you behave. I don't want to hear you doing anything that you know is wrong."

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