Chapter 2

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The soccer game was a success. We won, as predicted and had a pretty interesting sleepover after we asked our other three friends Prince, Anthony and Aiden, to join us. We pulled an all nighter, staying awake on candy, soda and hilarious movies. We ended up falling asleep at around 7 am, which didn't sit too well with Nolan's dad after he found us all half asleep when he left for his morning run. My mind wasn't able to function all day with the 5 hours of sleep I was able to obtain so we just sat around doing nothing, until someone decide for us to trudge around in the mall. We ended up at a movie theater and this rated R movie was getting shown. Nolan practically forced us to sneak into it but we got caught by one of the security guards. Only because Prince couldn't stop screaming like a girl for literally every little thing in the movie. We sat around for like 2 hours waiting for each of our parents to come grab us but surprisingly enough I was let off without any punishment. Courtesy of Dad.

The second I knocked on my friends door, it burst open and he pounced on me. "You won't believe what the hell is happening!" He looked at me with big hopeful eyes and and a smile that stretched from both of his ears.


"My mom is gonna be here for my birthday!" He yelled and hugged me extremely tight, as if I was going to escape out of his clutch. The news warmed my heart. He's finally going to see his Mom after 3 whole months. I don't know how he does it. I don't think I could even breathe if I'm away from my parents for even a month. His mood always dampens a bit when she isn't here, and just seeing his reaction to the news, I know he'll be himself a little more now.

His Mom, Mrs. Blanc, is very famous in France. She has this huge clothing and perfume line that everyone seems to love and because of it she's always over there. If not New York then London or Greece. Needless to say, she's never home with her kids or husband. From my perspective, Marinette and Mr. Martin don't seem to care much but I could visibly see that it makes Nolan upset. I don't think it's fair for Nolan to be happy at her. If it were me, I'd be fuming. I know it's not my place to get in between, but it's the truth.  She sometimes doesn't even spend time with him when she's here, yet he's always excited to see her. All she gives him are empty promises with lavish gifts. I don't want to say or intervene with anything because he might feel like I'm turning him against her, when in reality I just don't like seeing him hurt.

"I can't wait!"  He pulled me towards the stairs, almost making me fall. "Come look."

"Look at what?" I said excited at the news.

"This." he opens his bedroom and I noticed it laying smack in the middle of the room. A huge portrait of Mrs. Blanc.  It could've been the size of my TV! It looked amazing.  She looked so euphoric. I bent down to look at the painting closer. It was an oil painting, with white, black and grey strokes. Gold paint was splatted across it, and her face structures stood out very well with such bland colors. It was too beautiful, something you'd see in a museum. "You drew this?" He nodded, proud of himself.

I wasn't really surprised at his amazing skills because he always showed it any chance he could. But I've never seen him paint in this category, genre or whatever you call it.

Looking back at it, I smiled slightly. I would do anything to get a painting of me and him like this, but that'd make me seem obnoxious and selfish. "Oh my lord. This is so freaking good. This is what the professional painters paint."

"Am I not a professional painter?" he said with a slight frown. "Well, I mean yeah- sorry I meant that-." I stumbled across my words. I'm so stupid. "Nah, I'm playing. I already know how good I am." He said with a cringy, cheesy smile.

"I just never knew you were this good oh my gosh."

"You think she'll like it?" he asked with a bit uncertainty, looking down at the picture once. I stood by him to get a better view. "For sure and if she doesn't want it then I'll hang it in my room" I chuckled which resulted into me getting shoved onto the bed.

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