Meiko and Kaito brak oop 😱

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Meiko went into her house and kaiot wast th sre and mekko wad l ik "why are sad??????" 🤨🤨bcus kaito was veryuuuu sad and jaitp wad like "maiko I have to tell you skmmetjingg......." he say as cry boohoo🥺🥺🥺 and mejo was like "what?????" 😃😃 and the kaiiito said "I WANT TO BARK UOPP😢😢😢😢😢 I DONT WANT TO MAKE YOU FELL BAD KM SOOOO SORRRYYYYYY AND I AM AGGAYYTYTYYY MLM 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈😢😢😢😢" and maiko was like "ok well I'm lesbian so ya😜😜😜😜" and kaito magicallt stopped crying asbd was like "oh ok bro 🥳🥳🥳 congrats" and then meiko threw gim out likr im not joking she toke him and threw him 926393792539362619374836033 feet in the air and landed at shitzukus house and he was hurt so he had to hospitleadd 😳😳😳

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