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Evetyovbe wad at tre weeibfh like the project sekai caharcher peopke and vicaloids and etc others "omg I so hapit hapyy proud for my ecx girlsferind get marritfs" day kaito to eggllant purplee gakupo dude
"Ya me yo aytaytat slay seag" say putpel durdr uhhhhhhh anyways luka was wear si prerty dreese and it was uhhh luke white and a little bit pink and miku was rhe word yiy may kiss bride person idk whR thaue camled so mriko came and so pretyu dress and everyone think "wow so coool" and luka thought so BEEAAAAUUUTOFLR AND PRETTYUUYYY she start cry "ok luka do you want to marry this drunk persin" say miku "yesss baeaytiful yayayaya" say luka "ok" say mikyr "meiko do youw want marry fish thnr tumra girl" maiko then say "YESEW MEEMEM" AND THRN LUKA ANND MEIKO KIIIISSSSSSSD❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️IS OS SO COOOLLL

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