Meuko and talk to mikuu and rknn🤯

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Meiko went to cofee shop in streed sekai anf miku and rin wrer there and wereee like "hi mikroo 👋👋👋" and meikoo was likkd "hiiiiiii 🤔🤔🤔" and meiko told them ghat she and kauotot broke up and run was luke "omgggg os sadddddd 😔😔😔😔😔" and then maiko said "well not really he said gay and I aem lesbian si luke yaaauuuu" and miku wass like "oh luka us lesbian too yayay"but likr everyone literally knew that so idk why she had to mention it 😺 but then maiko was likr "oh ok I'm gate coffeee fraspppachino for luka and its gonna br pinkk her fav color" and miku and rin were talking about how luka and meiko shoukd get marrird and shit like that yu know 😻😻😻 uhhhghg and likr yeahhh meiko got coffee and ernt to finf luka😽😽

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