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 dream POV )

" Then I went unconscious." Sapnap said, looking away and glancing down at Fire who was sleeping peacefully on his lap.

_- Crash-_

" What was that?" Sapnap said urgently, attempting to stand up.

"No, Stay here I will go check it out" I say slowly walking out the room with Night on my heels.

I walked toward the sound which had, or at least I thought, Came from the Omegas room. I slowly open the door and get charged by the 2 Omegas who tackled me to the ground and ran out of the room.

' Those rats' I let out a growl chasing after them, but by that point they were already gone. I knew they could not escape since All the doors were locked that led outside, but there were many places to hide. I walk downstairs and to the kitchen where Puffy, Ant, Punz and Skeppy were hanging out.

" Hey, the omegas escaped their room. If you see them call me, please" I say to them as I look around the kitchen for them. ' Hmm, where did they go? They will show back up eventually I need to go check on Sapnap'

Suddenly night jump's forward and goes to Sapnap's med room growling. " Night. Enough" I said sternly, but still heard growling from inside. 'Is that fire growling?'

I bust the door open and see Karl looking concerningly towards Sapnap, who was out cold once more, while his friend was rummaging through stuff looking for something.

" Hello Omegas' ' I growl out walking in the room and closing the door behind me. I smile and click my tongue, Almost on Cue Night Jumps forward, and runs at George who looked up just in time to see Night, just barely moving out of the way of her snapping jaws.

" Night. Guard" I ordered sternly, and Night doubled back sitting in front of Sapnap's bed, Next to fire who was under it fur all fluffed out, they both snarled lowly at the Omegas.

" You are troublesome Omegas, aren't you?" I ask, walking towards them. I Looked at Karl with slight confusion as he continued to look at Sapnap.

"What happened to him?" The quiet voice of Karl asked.

" He was ambushed while he was guarding the man who tried to take your friend" I say calmly my temper starting to die down.

" Will he be ok?" Karl ask's looking over at me.

" He should be in time, that is"

I look at Karl, thinking.

" You feel something suddenly for him don't you ?" I say going strait to the point

Karl look's down before nodding slowly. I hear the creak of the door and whip around and see the second Omega opening the door.

My eyes met his crystal blue eyes, Before he ran out the door.

" Night stay and Guard" I yell to her as I run off after the Omega. I glanced around before hearing a pained yelp from down the hall a couple minutes later. I run off to the direction and see George laying there on the floor, with Punz standing over him growling as the Omega scardly backs up against the wall.

( George Pov for when Dream brought him to his pack's house )

I groan slowly, waking up, I glance at Karl.

" K-karl?" I managed to say my voice horse.

" George? GEORGE!!!" Karl runs over to me and hugs me tight, not letting me go, I hug him back, a large smile taking over my face.

" I am so sorry; I did not try to leave you. This Pack caught me a- an- and ''Karl sniffled out.

" Hey, I know, it's not your fault. Where are we?" I ask looking around at the room.

" Ugh. We are the pack's house in some room. They won't let me out, and the Alpha Seem's scary and mean" Karl says annoyed.

" We need to get out of here" I say standing up.

" Why don't we throw something and get them to come then run out?" Karl suggested hopefully.

" We can give it a try," I say walking toward a lamp.

" ok" Karl says quietly.

I whip around and throw the lamp at the door which shattered on impact. I jump back at the load sound. I ran over to Karl who was already behind the door waiting. We both freeze up as footsteps come over and someone slowly opens the door. Both me and Karl, ran out of the door accidently tackling the person in the process.

I run as fast as I can, making turns left and right. before me and Karl are lost in the large house.

" Come on, Let's just hide in here for now" I say, grabbing Karl and turning and running into a random room.

I feel Karl tense beside me, I glance over and see a strange man unconscious on a bed with an iv hooked up, looking rather beat up. Karl just stands there looking at him, I waste no time and start to look through everything in the room looking for stuff that could help.

I hear A low growl from near the bed. I glance over and see a fox? under the bed snarling at me.

I scoff and continue what I was doing.

" Hello Omegas" A cool voice says from the door. I glance up and see a dog lunging for my face. I yelp quietly backing up before it could bite me.

I glare at the dog that had doubled back to sit next to the moody as fuck fox.

I hear the man talking to Karl but just ignore it and sneak past him to the door. I meet his eyes, as mine shift to blue. I bolt out the door running down a hall then taking a right before running down the stairs.

I skid to a stop when I see A couple of other people standing nearby. I hear a growl erupt through the air as one of the people launches at me. I move to the left and they just barely miss me, I whimper starting to run off, but a strong arm grabs mine holding me back.

" Let me go!" I whimper at him.

" I am not going to hurt, tho I but I can't let you leave" The man says a threat tinted in his voice

Without thinking I slap him in the face snarling. I felt myself get lifted up and my ribs get brought down on their knees, a loud yelp escapes my mouth as I am thrown to the ground afterward.

I Whine, crawling back fear shining in my eyes.


Shout out to: LazyWater on Ao3 For helping me come up with this chapter and giving me great ideas for the future! 

Ay they just informed me they got Wattpad. Go check out: @LazyRiversWaters 

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