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He wanted her vulnerable. He wanted her helpless. And she gave him the keys to her kingdom.

As she got out of the car, she stretched a joint-popping, creaky stretch of someone who'd been driving for hours. Once she fluffed her hair and smoothed her shirt, she popped the trunk and grabbed her bag. It gave a faint jingle as she hoisted it to the ground and she laughed to herself. She knew it was her blankie, the one with the red bell on the corner, packed so lovingly along with all of her other little items. The things that made her feel small. Cozy. Loved.

He was waiting for her outside. Waiting to take her bag and take her big feelings away for a while. The talking online had satisfied a small itch. The tasks, rules, rewards, and punishment all gave him immense satisfaction, but he was ready, as he knew she was, for this time. They fit. And that made it all worthwhile.

She saw him from across the street, arms crossed, waiting. Her steps slowed just slightly as the butterflies began. She wanted this more than anything, and when her thoughts flashed to the conversations and ideas that flowed freely, her face and chest began to flush. She picked up her stride again, watching her feet click on the pavement. The moment she looked up, she saw his eyes locked on her.

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