🧸 - Game

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Caregiver : Chan
Little : Felix


Sounds of hitting the console game echoes in the living room. A boy huffed

Felix is playing by himself in the living room, Mario Cart literally becomes his favourite game after Screaming Bird.

And right now, he looks pissed off with his current score right now. He didn't like the way that the other 00 line on top of him.

"Ugh!  I hate this!"

Felix kept playing the game, and he didn't realize that the 00 lines is watching him right now.

"Auch!  You are such a bad player, Lix!"

Jisung hit Felix's head as a joke, but Felix didn't like it.

"Fuck off Jii! Don't smack my head like you smack Minho's ass. Go away! "

He scoffed and keeps playing while ignoring him. It always like that, Jisung sometimes can make an excessive joke and he didn't like it. Being the twin of the group,  sometimes make he feel tired with Jisung's dumbness.

Recently he feel like Jisung's jokes is over the top and he didn't how to make him stop. Felix starts embracing his own freckles and his Korean name, but somehow recently he didn't like them anymore.

It feels  different from what he feel when he feel little and needs extra care or attention. Felix pout his mouth and huffed before focusing on the game.

Chan always call him as Pixie Dust whenever he feel small and fuzzy and that's why he starts to love his name.

The freckled boy pout when he remembers that he is alone today. His caregiver at the studio, trying his best to settle all the editing process for final review.

The little's eyes teary yet he let out another huff. Trying to compose himself before he break down.

"Lix.. Let's play for a few rounds, the loser will pay for take-out tonight!"

Jisung is on it again. Trying to provoke him again and he rolled his eyes over the idea, but he didn't want to acknowledge Jisung's ego and he choose to say yes.

But deep inside, Hyunjin and Seungmin feel like something gonna happen today. With how bad Jisung's provocation with Felix on edge and easily snaps at the smallest thing , it just gonna be moment for them to beg in hell of mercy.

They have different schedules as of today and four of them didn't have anything to do and choose to leisure around at house.

The youngest currently at his school,  Minho is having solo schedule while Chan and Changbin at the studio fixing the final edition of their songs.

The first round of Mario Cart is a mess, as Jisung keep bugging with Felix and at the very end of finish, Jisung make it first.

"As always.. A loser!"

Hyunjin startle by sudden provocation from Jisung, hit him at the back. "Watch your words Han Jisung! It just a game!"

" A game? No it's not. It's purely luck and I am hoping to win since I don't want to pay for anyone."

Seungmin rolls his eyes and scoff,  " Talk more I'll shove this game console in your mouth."

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