🧸 - Epilepsy

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Little : Hyunjin
Caregiver : SKZ ( Mainly Chan)


The boy huffed in annoyance, the feeling to slip is getting bigger. He can sense that he's at edge of slipping, but knowing that they gonna have world tour soon, Hyunjin decided to suppress it.

But it seems like that trick didn't sit well with him seeing the youngest of dancerache is throwing a tantrum on the floor.

Felix finally has his meltdown after going back to back in practising his vocal and dance skills, resulting in a fever.

His caregiver immediately rushes towards him to prevent him from banging his head on the floor. One of the actions that the members always have to watch out whenever he's slipping.

Little Lixxie usually uses his body to express his feelings, and because of this, he used to break one of his fingers.

"Hye bubs.. Pixie dust, Dada is here.. Don't cry, or you gonna make it worse for your throat."

Changbin exhales a sigh. He's trying his best to stay calm despite himself feeling like a burden on composing new sheets of song.

The caregiver pat his laps, and the little crawl onto it. Hiding his face on the chest and sucking his thumb.

"There you go baby boy.. Can you breath for me? "

Lixxie follow his caregiver action and soon, he's calm down enough to talk what is bothering him.

"Baby.. Can you tell Dada what's wrong with you hmm? You looks so off today and I don't see any smile on your face.."

"Evewything ouchie.. "M head, "m wegs, "m thwoats.. Make em go Dada.."

Jeongin can't help himself from tearing, as he can see how hard Felix practice for their upcoming world tour.

Having migraine while straining your throat to practice didn't sits well. Felix push himself over the limit this time and he crumble apart.

And far across the room, Chan take a look at his little. Hyunjin has been telling him that he's doing okay even he hasn't slip for months.

But judging from the way he looks right now, the little didn't looks so good. Seeing his little friend is being babied by his caregiver, Hyunjin is raging with fame.

"Stop crying Felix Lee!!! What the fuck? You dare to slip in the middle of our chaos schedule? Such ungrateful spoiled boy!"

Lixxie stare at Hyunjin, and he's crying again.

"Jinnie Hyungie meanie.. Nuh wike Hyungie.. "

He throw his bottle on the floor and bang his head again, luckily Changbin able to sense it earlier.

Chan is raging with fame, he's trying to understand why did his little blow up, but seeing from the way he act, strict actions will be the way out.


Chan scream at Hyunjin, making him and Felix startle with shock. Hyunjin stare at his caregiver, thinking why he mad at him? He didn't slip, Felix did. Felix drag all of them from practicing.

But why Chan scold him? He didn't drag the team, he always come early to practice, always tried his best despite how sore his muscle is. He just want to be the best but why he got scold instead of Felix?

"You're bad Hyung! Felix slipped not me! And why did you mad at me? I'm not the one who drag the team here! HE IS!!! "

His finger points to Lixxie making the baby whimpering on Changbin's lap. He stare intensely at Seungmin and Jisung, disappointed with two of them that didn't support his back.

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