🧸 - Fear

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Caregiver : SKZ
Little : HyunLix


Stray Kids will have their very first offline concert in Dubai on 14th January, and truthfully speaking, they're excited for it. Even the youngest can't stop talking about it. Well, at least they are already vaccinated! Things will be fine!

As of right now, their dorm in chaotic as they're packing for their few days trip. I must say that I can feel the butterflies as well!

Ugh, their last offline tour was on Feb 2020, and after almost two years, they're ready to step out into SKZ 2022.

Their concert in Dubai became the kick-off for chapter 2022. Known as one of the group that literally crackhead, the younger members can't stop talking about what they will do later.

Leaving the older guys look at them with love, "I bet they must be so excited right now.."

Minho chuckles, "Of course they're Bin. Look at Felix. He's freaking adorable, packing his outfit."

He can't take his eyes off from the Aussie as the guy literally melts down over a soft blanket. "This is nice!!"

Felix giggles over the comfy item in his hand and nuzzle closer to it. Making the other members cooed at his cuteness and silly act.

Chan has a heavy feeling inside seeing how Felix's attitude is right now. He is Felix's caregiver, but with the current situation, one wrong step, everything will be gone.

"Min ahh.. What if he slips later? I mean, I bet he must be excited and nervous for the trip, but I don't want him to slip.."

"Hyung.. A little will always be a little. You can't deny it no matter how hard you try. Even though Jeongin is the youngest, you can't deny that Felix is literally the youngest for us.."

Why did he say that? Because currently Felix is rolling on the floor with his little bokkari, drooling over little things Hyunjin said to him.

Chan giggles, "I'll take that as a yes Min.. Ugh, I can't believe he is still the same person like years ago.. Lixie, come here, baby.."

"Eung? Daddy!!"

Little Lixie is excited and crawls on the floor while giggles, he just a happy little today.

The older guy opens his arm once the younger guy makes way to him, settles down on Chan's lap, and rests himself.

He rubbed the younger's back, "Feelin' little bub?"

Felix nods his head and snuggles closer to Chan and babble in his own words. The small hand just grabbed the attention of Changbin to kiss it.

"Hye princess.. Do you wanna eat something? Binnie can make it for you.."

"Nuh.. But Lixieu wanna stay wif Daddy.."

Changbin kisses the temple of Lixie and ruffles the boy's hair, "Sleep tight, princess.. You gonna have a long day tomorrow.."

Lixie yawn and starts rubbing his eyes and noticing that Chan pat his bum and sings lullaby to the little.

"Thanks, Bin.. I appreciate it a lot.. Please take a look at Hyunjin too, I'm afraid he will slip too.."

"No worries, Hyung.. I'll handle everything with Minho Hyung.. Rest well.."

Changbin goes to Felix's luggage only to giggles. He knows the exact reason why Felix regress. It's more than the soft blanket. A yellow pacifier is there.

"Looks like the princess slipped because of this dummy.. Isn't this the one that he said was lost during our last world tour?"

Jisung nods to the question, but he is watching over Hyunjin right now. Something is happening to the main dancer of the group.

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