10. Coffee Memories

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Jaelyn POV

As we entered the dinning room, I could see my dad having some serious conversation with my mom whereas my brother was talking to someone on phone, probably Madison. My mom noticed us approaching and gave us a smile.

" Come dear. We have been waiting for you both. Please sit down. "

" And who are these beautiful ladies ? " My dad asked.

' He better be joking, can't he recognise his own daughter? '

" Hello Mr Richard, Myself Natalie Paige and This is my friend Ziva Hastings. We are the wedding planners for your son's wedding. " Natalie said with a smile.

" Oh.. I was expecting someone with more experience. You both look so young. Can you handle this ?? "

' Does he even remember you?? " My inner voice asked me. How could he forget me ? We both met each other 2weeks back when he came to Sydney for a meeting. Can't he atleast give me a smile .

' This is what you want right? To get treated as a stranger in your own home '

Yes but it hurts.

I kept quiet, while Natalie was the one who spoke on behalf of me.
" Yes sir, we will do our best to make this wedding a memorable one. We won't let you down sir. " He just gave a nod and started to eat again.

I kept quiet for the whole brunch whereas my parents were speaking something in Spanish between themselves. It hurts, I stood from my seat and said politely

" Thank you Tanya for this food . I'm done. I'll take some rest sometime and will meet Ms Carter in the evening. "

" It's ok dear. Take rest. You look exhausted. "

I turned my attention to my dad and whispered
" Estoy feliz de verte papi. Te extrañé mucho "
( I'm happy to see you daddy. I missed you a lot )

" También te extrañé niña " my father said with a smile.
( Missed you too kiddo )

In the Evening...

I heard a knock on my door.

" Natalie if that's you please come inside"
Who else would it be other than her. Natalie came inside and looked around.

" Nice room, it feels so homely. Right Ziv?? " She asked me while I just nodded.

" You look good . Going somewhere?? " I asked her.

" Actually yes. I Googled and found a nice cafe near by . So thought may be we could go there and ask Madison to meet us there "

' cafe huh? Why not ?? Staying in bed makes me feel even more tired '

" Sure. Let me inform her and get ready "

It was 5 in the evening. I informed Madison to meet us there by 6:00pm. I told Natalie to wait for me so that I can dress up and get ready .

I took shower and dressed like this

" Can we leave?? It's already 6 and we will be late

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" Can we leave?? It's already 6 and we will be late. " Natalie said.

" Yeah sure. What's the name of the cafe?"

" It's called ' Cafe Milano ' , Ziv I think you will love this place. "

' Milano , Is she talking about the cafe we used to hang out once upon a time. '

Yup. She is and I agree with her. Cafe Milano was quite famous one in our locality. Sarah , Xander and Myself, we used to go there a lot after school. Sarah loves french cafe.

" Yeah, how do we reach there?? By car or by walk "

' By walk ,you know that very well idiot.'

" By walk Ziv, it's just 10 minutes from here"

" Ok I'll send the location to Madison "

After a while, we came down.

" Hey going out somewhere?? " I heard my brother's voice from living room.

" Yeah Mr William, To cafe Milano. Madison will be coming there to meet us"

" First, call me William or will and Secondly Milano huh?? " He gave me a concerned look.

" Yes William, Natalie suggested the place"

" Alright then go ahead and if you girls need a ride back just give a call. I'll send Peter "

We both nodded and left the place.

In cafe..

Once i opened the doors of the cafe , fresh aroma of coffee hit me.

Cafe had a signature wall with customer's signature on it. It even had ours.

' God I missed this smell along with the memories '

"Look it's Madison. Shit we are late for the meeting " Natalie said breaking my thoughts.

" Calm down Nate, let's go and meet her " I said as we approached her.

" Hey how you doing? My name is Ziva and This is Natalie. We are your wedding planners. "

" Hey . I'm good and How are you both. Is your stay comfortable?? "

' wow, atleast she follows your crazy stranger rules '

" Yeah . So let's get to business. Shall we ?? "

We ordered our coffees and after discussing few details about the venue and her preferences in themes for the wedding we closed the meeting.

" So when is Danica reaching here?? " Maddy asked me while sipping her coffee.

" She face timed me earlier . Probably by Wednesday she will be here. "

" Ok it's then settled. We are having a girls night out on Friday. We are hitting a club " Madison said with excitement.

Before Natalie could say anything I just accepted it. Natalie gave me a death glare which obviously I ignored.

After that horrible night, Clubbing is something I avoided for years. Jaden ,Riley and Natalie know very well about my panic attack which happened in a club. From that on we usually party at home rather than going for clubs.

' clubbing- what could go wrong '

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