Heaven and Hell don't Match

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We trying something new? Rengiyuu. Rengoku x Giyuu. So basically they are grim reapers. Rengoku is like the reaper that takes souls that have been good to heaven and Tomioka takes the bad souls to hell. Rengoku trues to make Tomioka fall in love with him but.....


Tomioka's Pov

Another day of boring depressing work. I gave to drag souls to the underworld, also known as hell. Well not all souls just the ones that deserve to go.

I let out a sigh as the long list of souls appeared into my hand. It feels like everyday this list gets longer. Well it does because these foolish mortals are so selfish that they keep adding more sins to there list.

I just sighed and teleported to my first person. How sad they were eating with their family.

I rolled up my sleeves and reached my hand out I was gonna touch his shoulder and grab his soul, but he distracted me.

A man with hair like fire. He was across the table next to this guy's wife. He was just looking at me, with his eyes all wide.

The man:Hello....


The man:I'm Rengoku.

Tomioka:Tomioka, nice to meet you Rengoku but I have work to do.

I was about to place my hand on his shoulder but the Rengoku person stopped me.

Tomioka:What are you doing?

Rengoku:Your dragging him to hell aren't you?

Tomioka:He is a bad person that hides it to well I have t-!?

We were in a garden now. But why did he bring me here? I have work to do. He wasn't letting go of me.

Rengoku:Give him a few moments with his family.

Tomioka:You were taking the woman to heaven right?

Rengoku:Yes she has a heart disease and has been nothing but good.

Tomioka:So we have to rip the children's parents away don't we?

Rengoku:Yes that is why I think it is best to do it lat-

Tomioka:For certain cases I would agree but this one no.


Tomioka:He is gonna kill his family tonight so we can't wait.

Rengoku:How do you know?

Tomioka:For the sinners on the list it shows every out come if I drag them away or not. If I drag him away at a certain time his family will be fine but if I wait any later he is gonna kill them. He is a murder and if I don't do my job now he is gonna murder his family.

Rengoku:I see so will the woman be able to wait a little longer.

Tomioka:Not my job, it is up to you on that part.

I teleported away and back behind the man. He was yelling at his wife for his food being cold. It pissed me off so I wasted no time and grabbed his soul.

His body fell on the table. His wife yelling his name, which I gave no shits about, the only thing was the black soul I held in my hand.

Rengoku:So what is gonna happen to him now.

He was behind me.

Tomioka:I hold onto him then collect the rest once done I will release all of them into hell.

I teleported away, not caring what Rengoku did with his list, not wanting to know more about him. It made me exhausted.

I sighed as leaned back against a wall staring at my next person. It wasn't time for her yet so I just waited.

A few hours later and I was finally done. I now was eating at this ramen place I like. Even though I am dead now and a reaper I still have the ability to get hungry and basically need all the stuff humans need to survive.

So I sat there eating the noodles till something scared the life out of me it was....


What the fuck was he doing here? I didn't want to know so I just put my attention back on my food.

Rengoku:Tomioka! Is that you lurking in the shadows over there!?

Yup it was and he ment seriously lurking in the shadows, everytime I am near a light it shuts off. So the light over my head is off.

He picked up his bowl and moved next to me. I swear the light above his head got brighter. I envy him.

Tomioka:When we first made eye contact why were you so shocked to see me.

Rengoku:I can't tell you yet.


I'm not the one to question someone of there choices. Either bad or good. I'll make comments on them, but won't interrogate them for their reasons.

I got up out of my seat and bowed to Rengoku.

Tomioka:Have a good night Rengoku, hope to run into each other again.

I teleported away. I did hope we WOULDN'T see each other again. Making friends is exhausting and a waste of time.

Not to mention he is a heaven reaper and I am a hell one. Heaven and Hell should never mix. They don't match.


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