Hevan And Hell Dont Match

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The next day was one of the many days they had off. They all got Sunday off to show a respect for life.

Rengoku had been looking for Tomioka, but could not find him. He gave up and went to the bar where his friends were.


Uzui:Hey! Best buddy is that your friend? The gloomy one you brought last time.

Rengoku:Tomioka? Where!?

Uzui pointed to the bar and there he was drinking like there was no tomorrow. Rengoku went over to him and dragged a drunk Tomioka to the table making him sit down.


Shinobu:He reeks of alcohol.

Rengoku:Tomioka! How long have you been here?

Tomioka:Since I woke up...so 6.

Sanemi:Are you wasted now?

Tomioka:Noooo....I'm good.

He put his head on his palm but it slipped and he hit his head on the table.

Two demons across the bar were staring at Tomioka.

???:Akaza, doesn't that grim reaper look familiar?

Akaza:Yes Douma pay attention that is Tomioka.

Douma:Why don't we mess with him like we used to when he was a demon?

Akaza:Sounds good.

The got up and started to walk towards the table where Uzui was offering Tomioka more alcohol.

Obanai:Some demons are coming over here.

Sanemi stood up sending a threatening aura to them.

Akaza:Oi, grim reaper sit your ass down we are jut saying hello to an old friend.

Douma tapped Tomioka's shoulder.

Douma:Giyuu-san say hello.

He didn't respond as he had his head down and was so drunk he couldn't register them as real beings.

Douma:Giyuu-san it is rude to ignore your old friends right?

He grabbed Tomioka's ponytail and pulled it then throwing him to the floor.


Akaza:Sit your ass down.

Tomioka looked up at them clearly not in his right mind set to be dealing with this situation. Douma went up to him and grabbed his collar and picked him up shoving him into Akaza. Akaza grabbing his waist and forcing him to a dancing stance. He tried to push him away but Douma came and pressed himself against Tomioka sandwhiching him between them.

Obanai:You damn demons. What? Your mad because he could be more than a demon.

Douma:Right on. Come on Giyuu admit it you were better as a demon.

Akaza let go but Douma grabbed his hands and spun him around something about Tomioka changing. He was a little taller, bigger, he had pale skin, darker blue eyes, horns, a tail. He looked like a demon.

Shinobu:Enough! Can't you see he is uncomfortable!?

Douma:Awww you guys are no fun.

He shoved Tomioka towards the table he fell into it but caught himself he turned back to normal and he dropped to the floor.


He ran to him helping him up and then helping him sit down.

Akaza:We will see you later Giyuu~

They both went back to the bar and watch them all from a far.

Shinobu:Tomioka? Are you okay?

Tomioka:....yeah.... I just need a second....to calm d-down..

Tears started to roll down his cheeks and the whole table went quiet. He just kept silently crying while he felt their eyes on him. He knew they did it on purpose, they wanted to make him feel useless and they did exactly that. He felt useless in this moment. He felt like he lost.


Heaven and Hell don't MatchWhere stories live. Discover now