Heaven and Hell Don't Match

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They finished their food and left together.

Rengoku:I want to have a drink tonight, join me?

Tomioka:Alright only one drink though.

Rengoku:Fine with me.

They teleported Tomioka following Rengoku. They were in a building that only grim reapers could enter.

Rengoku:I'm sorry I lied. I wanted you to meet my friends.

Tomioka sighed. He didn't need this. It made him exhausted. But it is hard to say no to a person like Rengoku. He is too persistent.


Rengoku:Yay! Come on!

They walked to a table that was in the back of the place.

Rengoku:Hello guys!

Tengen:Kyojuro! I missed you!

Rengoku:I missed you too best buddy!

They hugged. Tomioka envied the both of them. The way they could show emotion without being judged for it. When you go to hell you can't.

Sanemi:Rengoku, why are you with this sinner?

He motioned towards Tomioka.

Shinobu:We shouldn't mix, with demons.

Rengoku:He is not a demon, he is a grim reaper just like us.

Demons. Demons are different from grim reapers. They are bodies of evil, they have no control over their emotions and only reak havoc. Reapers from hell were once demons but change depending their reason for being there. They can also turn back I to demons if they break their rules.

Rengoku:He is not a demon! So stop judging!

Tengen:He can turn back though.

Rengoku:I doubt he can! He is too kind!

Sanemi:If he is so kind, why is he in hell anyway?

Rengoku:I don't know!

They all groaned looking at him. He was too kind, he thought people were always good and can be good if kind to them.

Rengoku:Tomioka! One drink and I will let you leave!

Tomioka:One drink. And one drink only.


They sit down Tomioka next to Rengoku at the end of the round table it was noticeable to Tomioka that all but Rengoku was moved away from him.

He sighed he should have known better.


Tomioka:Thank you.

He took it and slowly drank it. He never liked drinking. It made him sick. He only ever had one drink once in a great while.

Shinobu:So Tomioka was it?


Shinobu: Tomioka, how did you die.

Tomioka froze he thought about it all over again.

His wrist that were on the table started to burn. He felt the blood leak into his sleeves. So he picked them up and put them in his lap. A drink seemed to be right for this moment so he pick up his glass and drank the whole thing.


He reached for the bottle and poured more.

Rengoku:I thought only one drink?

Tomioka:Who cares anymore?


Shinobu:You didn't answer my question.

Tomioka:If I want to tell my story I will have to be wasted and have more time.

He stood up and went behind the chair pushing it in.

Rengoku:Your leaving?

Tomioka:My time out of hell is up. I forcefully am gonna be dragged back.

He drank his drink and placed the glass on the table upside down.

A hole opened up in the ground and a nuse came up and wrapped around his neck dragging him down to hell the hole closing.

Shinobu:He committed suicide.

Tengen:It seems that way.

Sanemi:I could smell blood from his wirst so I'm pretty sure yes.

They started to make fun of him saying he deserved hell but Rengoku just sat there quite upset because they were making fun of his friend.

He looked at Tomioka's glass and picked it up. He poured a drink into it and placed it on the table. And then he filled his up and put it next to Tomioka's and got up.

Rengoku:I'm going now.

Tengen:Okay see you later Kyojuro.

He left and was upset. He thought maybe heaven and hell shouldn't mix.

But soon brushed that thought away because he remembered, Tomioka's kindness. He knew Tomioka wasn't a bad person, he loved that about him. He always could see people's intentions and he knew Tomioka was kind.

The next day.

He found Tomioka again. And followed him. It was lunch time and they were taking a break.






Tomioka:Fine stop yelling.

Rengoku wanted to see Tomioka's domain. He wanted to see the inside of his heart, his soul.


He said making sure to be quite.

After a second they were in a different place.

Rengoku:It is a subway train.

Rengoku:Those people don't have faces

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Rengoku:Those people don't have faces.

He hugged onto Tomioka's arm.

Tomioka:No one does here, only me and you.

Rengoku:I feel sad here.

Tomioka:Now you know my soul is a sad place to be.

They were back to there original place. Outside enjoying their lunch.


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