Heaven and Hell Don't Match

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Rengoku's Pov

I can't stop thinking about yesterday. That beautiful man named Tomioka. I was shocked when I first saw him, because he was so beautiful.

The way he tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. The way he talked to me. The way he was still kind even though he worked for hell.

He wanted to save that family from that father. He cared deep down. I think his ego wouldn't let him admit it but I knew.

When I saw him eating I was shocked that he would come to a place like this. I thought he would eat some fancy western food.

He was kind deep down. I had a fire in me for him and I wanted to feel the heat from in me. I wanted him.

The next day.

It was the next day and I had my list. I swear it get shorter and shorter. Why are humans so selfish?

I sighed and teleported away to my first person. He was walking down the street. I saw Tomioka and he saw me. We locked eyes as we passed each other. He got embarrassed and looked forward and kept walking. I stopped and followed him.

I had to run after him, and goddam he is fast. He had finally stopped at a bench and sat down he was so out of breath. So was I.

I sat next to him.

Tomioka:Why did you chase after me?

Why did I run after him? I don't really know, I guess I just did it out of instinct.

Rengoku:I don't know, I guess I just did.

Tomioka:Your werid.

He leaned back on the bench and I looked back. I was shocked he looks so tierd his eye bags are very noticeable.




I guess he is so tired he doesn't realize where we are now. I had teleported us to my domain it was a beautiful garden.  I had brought him here yesterday.


Rengoku:Just sleep!

I reached my hand out to his head and poked his forehead with my two fingers and he passed out. His body leaned against mine.

He was so cold. He felt like he was really dead. I saw his wrist there was a scar across it. I looked at his other one. There was a similar scar.

So that is why he works for hell. This man who his kind, who has no reason to be there committed suicide. But why?

Now that I think about it he looks so sad. I hope that one day when he is re born he will live a good happy life.

Actually I hope I'm the reason he is so happy. Dear God, one day please when me and Tomioka are re born that we'll meet again and I could make him haply.

I smiled and also fell asleep, resting my head on his. I know my body is very hot so I hope I can warm up his cold one.

Later on.

I woke up and Tomioka was gone. I guess he woke up and teleported away. I sighed hoping one day that he would stay and wait for me.

I got up and went to finish my list for the day. It didn't take long and I made sure that each person at least got to spend sometime with friends, family, or loved ones.

I am now at my favorite place to eat ramen. Usually I would sout out my love for the food, but I was lost in my thoughts to even do that.

Someone tapped my shoulder, and I looked up it was Tomioka.

Tomioka:Mind if I sit with you?

Rengoku:Not at all food is much better when eaten with loved ones.

LOVED ONES!? I meant friends but it was to late to go back now. He was sitting down and i don't think he noticed.

No one's pov


He noticed and was having a gay panic on the inside.

They both were eating in silence. One in the light one in the shadows.

Two people you probably thought wouldn't get along. But Rengoku didn't care about heaven and hell not matching or mixing. He knew he cared for Tomioka and wanted him to himself.


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