In the morning... I'm having some tea in the living room...
"Morning..." Aria in sleepy face went out from her bedroom
"uh... Morning"
"*Yawn*..." Aria sit on the chair
"Seems you had a good sleep... you feeling okay now?"
"Mmmm... probably... the pill your master give me really works... it's just a week... and I think I'm almost completely healed" Aria
"Well... good to hear..."
I pour some tea to another cup for her...
"Thank you... *Slurp*" Aria drinks it slowly...
Did she realizes her outfit went error a bit? I can almost see her shoulder right now...
I mean... I did saw her with just underwear before in the first day after the incident... since she has no power to move at all, I changed her clothes by my own... ofc, when she's asleep...
But... Still... Seeing her like this... I might lose myself...
"I'll get the breakfast ready... if you feeling good, then come with me to the Castle... I have something to discuss with the Emperor"
"Oh... sure..." Aria nodding and slurps her tea
After all done...
"Shinra, Lansha" I shout from outside and both of them went out
"Brother?" Cynthia
"Hm? going for a date, Teacher?" Lansha
"Nah... I'm going to the castle to explain about Wystern and my Master to your father"
"Oh? Really? Then let me come too" Lansha
"Are you sure your health is good now?"
"Yes!" Lansha
"Well...Shinra, do you want to come too?"
"Of course?" Cynthia
"Good... then go and get yourself ready"
"Okay" both of them went to the house
"They sure looks spirited" Aria
"Idk about Shinra, but Lansha had stayed on her bed for a week... of course she will happy if there's a chance to go"
"Right... if we didn't go to the grave that time, I might feel the same" Aria
"Well... just enjoy it, shall we?"
"Sure" Aria
After sometimes... we went to the castle...
In the castle...
"Angra?" Michael
"I'm here for Emperor... he wants some information from me"
"Ah... right... about your master..." Michael
"And Wystern..."
"Alright... Lansha, get all of you to the meeting hall... I'll fetch the Emperor" Michael
"Okay, General" Lansha
She takes us to the meeting hall again...
After sometimes... Emperor is coming with all his general and nobles...
"Angra" Emperor
All of them take the position and have the seat...

Destined Awakening 2: Wystern, The Fallen Glory
FantasyAfter Sera's death, Shio went to a sacred island called "Wystern", to seek the truth about his ownself, and the cursed fate he had faced. And this will be the start, of the rise for a kingdom... which then called Wystern