I wonder how they feel

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Sorry! I forgot about the story! I also have school in like 10 mins
Snapes P.OV.
I'm lost. There was this hole in the ground I didn't see. "Having funnnn?" Peeves. WHY DIDNT I THINK OF HIM. "Let me out." I say to him.  "Okay!" "Goo-" "When you tell who you love most!" Peeves said while laughing. "I don't know!" I say. "How don't you?" "I just don't!" I answer. "Lily." "We both know you don't love her." He says. Who do I love if not lily? James? No way! Maybe he will let me out of I say James. "James." "Go left. Then straight then right. There are stairs." I run to where he said.

James P.O V.
I see a floor board moving. I lift up and see- SEVERUS! ( A/N I'm sorry i didn't make him trapped longer!) "Peeves." He says "that slimy little -" "I'm right here!" Peeves interrupted. "Also snape said he-" Peeves was cut of. "DONT LITSEN TO HIM!" "Loves you the most!" Peeves said "really?" I ask Severus. "Only way I could get out!" "Sure! Let's get back now." I say. "Oh-yeah!" He says.

Time skip because I can't think of anything to writeeee

Still James' P.O.V.
I looked at snape and started blushing? Why? I love- NOT LOVE NO NONO I MEAN hate. NEVER LIKED HIM NOPE! Okay maybe I have a teeny tiny crush on him? VERY VEY SMALL!! It's just.... He's very kind and sweet and I just wanna kiss him all the time! He looks so cute when his cheeks get all pink when he's embarrassed- OKAY ENOUGH! I bullied him for like 6 or 7 years! There is no way he would ever like me back! Maybe when dumbledore dies!

Snapes P.O.V.
Okay, maybe I have a small crush on James! His beautiful brown skin (a/n hes Indian in this.) and his fluffy hair and when his glasses get messed up.. he is adorable! Why do I like him so much! What if I went up to him and kissed him? Would he be mad? Maybe. Would it be worth it? HELL YEA! I think I will do it tomorrow morning right before breakfast! And before he can react, I apparate to the great hall

The next morninggg
Sevs P.O.V.
Okay! Okay here is my shot to do it! "Hey, James?" I say to him. Merlin I am terrified. "Heeyyyyy." He says. Oh god.... He's so cute. "I just wanna say..." I walk up to him and-

James P.O.V.
Severus starts walking up to me and-

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