How well?

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How well will I describe you

Oh dearest one?

Is it with the purest of gems

or the rarest of diamonds

You outshine them all with just a smile,

your eyes radiate glitters for miles

You're are the rarest star ever seen.

see how you shine so bright and sheen.

How well will I lavish my praise on you

Oh beautiful one?

Maybe with drums, lyres

and bass guitars,

or with flutes and sweet sounding bars

Little will these do to narrate your beauty

For you surpass all praises man ever gave

You are an epitome of delightfulness.

How well will I love you

Oh truest one?

I could love you for centuries

whether in riches or penury.

I could love you for ages past

Or hold you in my arms and

never know fatigue

loving is an honour and

I will serve you with pride

I could kiss you for ages and

hug you like my skin

Or be lost in your eyes and

pray am never found.

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