Camp ROCK! (P2)

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Gina walks towards her door and she opens to see a nervous Ricky. 

"Hi Richard." I raises my eyebrows. 

"Hello... G.." he looks down and blushes at me. 

"Are you heading over to the hall for breakfast?" he asks. 

"No actually..." I smile at him with a side smerk. 

"What now Porter?" he giggles nervously. 

"Oh nothing...." I pretend like nothings the matter. 

Ricky steps into the girls bunk.

"Richard Bowen.. boys aren't allowed in girl's bunks." I scold him. 

"Wanna bet?" Ricky shuts the door behind him and smiles like a naughty school boy. 

"I see that EJ has been in here." he points over at the flowers in a varse. 

"But he didn't get me chocolate's last year did he?" I tease him. 

"Wait?" he looks at me like I just spilt his deepest darkest secret. 

"I knew Ricky." I sighed. 

"But... but..." he steps back trying to process all the information I am giving him. 

"Mum told me.." I giggle. 

"Never trust Mrs P to keep any secret." he rolls his eyes. 

"Anyway.." Ricky takes a step forward again. 

I take another step towards him.  We gaze into eachothers eyes for a little while. 

"What was your secret mission again?" Ricky breaks the tenison. 

The butterflies in my stomach fade away; the thought of us liking eachother is so far fetched, and crazy we had a moment with the fireworks.. did that mean anything to him? Could it just be me? 

to be continued 

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