Guard dog duties

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WARNING, mentions of blood, gunshots and death, etc. You get the deal my friends. Also, that's my Chihuahua, pilu.

You lay your head on the cool saint Dennis  pavement, outside of the pub next to prowler with a heavy-duty harness and collars, the handle facing upward, today is a special day before the gang's worse enemies is going to hang, Colm o' Driscoll, the main reason responsible for all the numerous times of moving, the sun shined on your fur, warming you up.

You perk up when Arthur, Sadie, and Dutch walk out of the pub wearing police uniforms, walking behind an alleyway with the both of you following closely.

"In and out?'' Prowler cocked his head with a smirk.

"as if it will ever be that easy!..." You laughed.


With a sigh you lay your head on the ground, watching Arthur and Dutch follow a few of Colm's boys as you and prowler are left with Sadie and her uptight dress.

You lay there as time passed by, looking away from the civilians every once and a while to the route the men took in concern, for both of them, sadie let out a sigh as she readjusted her scarf, mumbling a few curse words of her choice.

"Relax, I'm sure they're fine, pup," Prowler says as he looks around.

"Yeah I know it's just..." You press.

"You're concerned about Arthur's health?" You nod.

"He'll be fine, he can hold himself up"

You sigh, nodding, your attention is pulled away from the topic as they start with their anusment, ranting about Colm O' Driscoll and his wrongdoings, you tilt your head to the side and wag your tail when you see Arthur on the roof, a sniper in his hand as he watches carefully among the crowd, looking straight as you hear all the talk.

Prowler stands up and lays next to Dutch once he came back, eyes glued to the stage as you lay next to Sadie, acting as some sort of guard dog for them so that folks get intimidated into looking away, from the situation you're in.

"Today, justice catches up with him!"

"Pfft, you wish!" Colm says.

"Silence!" The man says, pushing the rope around his neck.

Colm just rolls his eyes at the man, looking amongst the crowd for his boys, panic sets in when he sees Dutch and Sadie bringing a knife to their necks, with you and prowler letting out low growls to move the audience to give them space.

Colm starts to nervously shuffle from one foot to the other, whimpering when the rope is adjusted on his neck tightly.

"May God have mercy on your unfortunate sole, when your ready"

The man nods to another policeman, he nods and pulls the liver, setting the trap door off, letting colm hang.

Sadie's knife comes closer to the man as she whispers something to him, a small smile on your face as you watch the man hang.

You turn around when Sadie yells, cutting the boy's neck as she shoots, forced to run up at a few police officers when they shoot at your little pack, fangs staining with blood as you launch yourself at another man, prowler joining in the slaughter of the policemen as bullets fly by, Arthur shooting from the rooftop.

You bolt toward Dutch when you're forced to leave as more troops come in, much to the dismay of both of you since, dare you say, we're having fun.

Running behind the wagon as Dutch drives it, you let out a whimper when two bullets come clean through your back, falling to the ground harshly, any sound is muffled as your vision becomes blurry, Dutch puts you on the wagon as Sadie attends to your wounds as prowler whines and fights himself to stay calm beside you, pressing your nose against his to calm him -a kiss- before letting the darkness consume you.


Your ears perk up when you hear the familiar clancling of the horse, getting out of the comforts of the blankets as you walked toward the entrance of the camp, your shoulder slightly heald from the mission of the hanging from the past week.

Arthur came out of another mission, or 'a fool's errand' as he says as you rest from Micah, you nudged his hands as you sensed his stressed aura, trying to calm him the best you can, his hardened expression softened, scratching the back of your ears as he opened his saddle bag to fetch for something, chuckling when you happily munched on the peanut butter biscuit, hiding the small bag on the saddle as you looked at his hands for more, letting out a scoff when you didn't find more.

You let out a yawn as you walk back to the tent, your master letting out a sigh as he sits on his cot, you look at the table and grab the letter, nudging it into his hands as he sat on the bed, laying his journal next to him.

"You going' to be handing me letters from now on?" He chuckled.

You let out a growl -not a threatening one- at him as a response, he chuckled again as he opened the letter, the name 'Mary' engraved on the side, you heard something fall but you didn't pay attention.

"Someone back to their old self"

Arthur mumbled, reading the letter, his softened expression changed to a mix of pain and sadness, you let out a yawn and look at the ground, spotting a gold ring underneath the cot, locking your fangs with it carefully you stand up and set the ring beside him, laying down next to Arthur as he lets out a sigh, standing up he looks at your sleepy figure.

"C'mon, let's get you fed, bud"



like I'm slightly running out of ideas, I can be any activity, so long as Arthur, hunter, and prowler are there, in other words, I'm open to a request, as an activity away from the camp and everything, because we all know that Arthur needs a fucking break!

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