7. Deceiving Eyes

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"What in the world happened to your arm?" Jaemin gawks, finger poking at the plaster encasing Sehyuk's arm

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"What in the world happened to your arm?" Jaemin gawks, finger poking at the plaster encasing Sehyuk's arm.

"I fell off the stairs yesterday."

"It's cute how you think I'm a fool and would accept the most cliché excuse anyone could ever come up with." The shorter boy snorts, shaking his head.

"Well..." Sehyuk drawls, his eyes roaming around the cafeteria, spotting his assailant walking towards the table where his friends are seated. He's drowning in a mint green hoodie, hair covering his eyes and feet scuffing against the floorboards in an irregular pattern like a wounded animal. "Ow!" Sehyuk yells, grabbing Kihyun's attention. The boy's eyes snap open in surprise and he pulls the sleeves of his hoodie to himself. "Be a little gentler, can't you, Byun Jaemin! I have a broken bone for god's sake."

Jaemin gapes at the accusation. "I didn't even tou—"

"Sshh!" The blond slaps a hand on the boy's mouth. "Can you not run your river-like tongue for a moment?"

The finance student rolls his eyes, pushing away the hand and growling. "Your disrespect for me grows by the day. Don't make me break your other hand." He grouses, strapping his backpack on his shoulders and picking up his empty tray. "You're free but I have a class now so see you later, loser."

"Can you help me with my equipment?" Sehyuk bats his eyelashes, pointing at the large canvas bag containing the art items he needs for the class today.

"As you can see, my hands are full," comes a reply, chin gesturing at the tray. "And I'm sure your other arm is working perfectly fine, after all, those gym hours every day must pay off."

Sehyuk sighs, chuckling lightly at the antics of the shorter boy, watching as he exits the cafeteria. He slumps into the plastic chair with a huff, stretching his lips as far as they can go.

"Give it to me..." a small voice from behind mumbles and Sehyuk turns, his forehead creasing as his eyebrows shoot up.

"What...?" He squints, testing if he's heard right.

"I'll carry that for you." The hooded boy bends to pick the art bag up. "We have the same class anyway..." he leaves, dragging his feet towards the door.

"Wait!" Sehyuk sprints, knotty fingers grasping Kihyun's arm, the latter wincing at the grip in return. "Why would you do that?" He comes to stand at the other's level, taken aback by the mean bruise nestled on the boy's cheek. "What—"

Kihyun dodges the incoming hand and pulls the hood of his hoodie even further, walking away as fast as his struggling feet can take him.

"What happened?"

"None of your business."

"Do you deliberately go around fighting?"

"None of your business."

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